Experimental Design
The local project partner SEHP mobilizes young women in three different regions (Greater Accra, Ashanti region, and Northern region) through a multitude of different community entry events with local chiefs, market queens, and religious leaders. In these mobilization events the local communities are informed about the project content, its aims, as well as the eligibility criteria.
Afterwards mobilized women are registered at so-called pre-registration events where they participate in a short interview. The interviews collect information about applicants’ contact details, interest and availability for the N4G program, as well as the eligibility criteria of age, education, childcare responsibilities, and benefits of prior vocational training. The pre-registration process is organized and carried out in close cooperation with our local partner Samira Empowerment & Humanitarian Projects (SEHP).
Based on the collected pre-registration information eligible women are identified. Eligibility comprises the following aspects: (i) aged 16 to 24 years old, (ii) started at least primary school, did not obtain or start any level higher than senior high school and not currently enrolled in school, (iii) not currently pregnant, no children younger than one year, and caretaker for children older than one year, and (iv) no benefits of prior vocational trainings in the textile industry during the last two years. Through text messages all eligible women are invited to the career day taking place in their community. Non-eligible women are informed that they cannot be considered further for the program.
At the career days all participating women are offered career guidance and counselling sessions. At larger career day events participants also get to know potential trainers as well as the different trade areas of the N4G trainings which are: (i) dressmaking, machinist, pattern drafting, and fabric cutting, (ii) fashion accessories incl. millinery and beading, and (iii) make-up, beauty therapy, and hair dressing.
For the purpose of the rigorous impact evaluation of the N4G program, eligible women who participated in a career day are then randomly assigned to control and treatment groups. Randomization is done within blocks formed based on respondents’ socioeconomic characteristics. Afterwards, selected women participate in fashion related vocational trainings in their preferred trade area. The duration of the trainings varies between two and up to six months depending on the selected trade area. After having successfully completed the training women will be supported in finding formal employment within their trade.
Six months after the end of each program period, we will conduct endline interviews with the relevant batch of treated women and those in the control group, provided they have agreed to be contacted again. We will also receive administrative data provided by our partners concerning beneficiaries’ program participation.