Minimum detectable effect size for main outcomes (accounting for sample
design and clustering)
The minimum detectable effect size on the 10% significance level for our main outcomes are the following:
Increase in usage of sub-accounts: 0,13-0,18%, 0,3464 (standard deviation)
Increase in usage of goals for sub-accounts: 0,13-0,18%, 0,3464 (standard deviation)
Increase in usage of automatic transfers to sub-accounts: 0,05-0,07%, 0,1386 (standard deviation)
Increase in money saved in sub-accounts: 1,63-2,31€, 444,00€ (standard deviation)
Increase in subjective financial health: 0,35-0,49 points, 21 points (standard deviation)
Please note that the values are based on results from previous marketing campaigns and surveys run by the project partner. See Power Calculations in Docs & Materials for further information.