Primary Outcomes (end points)
Our key outcomes are at the household level and fall into the following categories:
1. Communication and search activities, including phone usage, SMS usage, mobile money usage, travel outside the village, communication with firms, number of crop markets/buyers searched, phone-mediated price search, transportation costs, travel time, and ordering goods for delivery.
2. Quantity and price of purchases of agricultural inputs (crop and livestock), inputs for non-farm enterprises, and other consumer goods and services represented in the directory (mechanics, tailors, food away from home).
3. Farm activities and investment, including crop choice, factor usage, acres cultivated, receipt of extension and advice, quantity produced, quantity sold, location of sales, prices received.
4. Non-farm enterprise choices and outcomes, including number and location of suppliers, goods and services offered, price search, and exit/entry.
5. Directory usage (for the treated), sharing of directories, specific firms contacted and information sought.