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Trial End Date December 31, 2022 January 31, 2023
Last Published November 08, 2022 04:25 PM December 17, 2022 11:15 AM
Intervention End Date December 31, 2022 January 31, 2023
Randomization Unit In the first experiment, randomization occurs on the unit of posts. In the second and third experiments, randomization occurs on the unit of respondents. In the first experiment, randomization occurs on the unit of posts. In the second and third experiments, randomization occurs on the unit of respondents. Update (Dec 17, 2022): In the new experiment, randomization also occurs on the unit of respondents.
Planned Number of Observations We will recruit approximately 1,800 ~ 2,000 respondents for the three experiments in total. Each respondent will see six different Weibo posts. We will recruit approximately 1,800 ~ 2,000 respondents for the three experiments in total. Each respondent will see six different Weibo posts. Update (Dec 17, 2022): Due to difficulty in recruiting a sufficient number of respondents in China by Qualtrics, we were only able to collect approximately 1,000 responses for the first three experiments. Hence, we will conduct another experiment and use Lucid to recruit another 1,000 respondents for the new experiments (see Update in the Experimental Design section).
Sample size (or number of clusters) by treatment arms In the first experiment, each post will be randomly assigned into one of the four versions (Treatment Arms 1~3 and Control) with equal probability, so we will have approximately 600 respondents * 6 posts/respondents * .25 = 900 posts in each arm. In the second experiment, respondents will be randomly assigned into one of the four arms, so each arm will have approximately 600 respondents * 0.25 = 150 respondents. In the third experiment, approximately 1/3 of the respondents will be assigned to Control and 2/3 of the respondents will be assigned to Treatment, so we will have approximately 600 * 1/3 = 200 respondents in Control and 600 * 2/3 = 400 respondents in Treatment. In the first experiment, each post will be randomly assigned into one of the four versions (Treatment Arms 1~3 and Control) with equal probability, so we will have approximately 600 respondents * 6 posts/respondents * .25 = 900 posts in each arm. In the second experiment, respondents will be randomly assigned into one of the four arms, so each arm will have approximately 600 respondents * 0.25 = 150 respondents. In the third experiment, approximately 1/3 of the respondents will be assigned to Control and 2/3 of the respondents will be assigned to Treatment, so we will have approximately 600 * 1/3 = 200 respondents in Control and 600 * 2/3 = 400 respondents in Treatment. Update (Dec 17, 2022): Due to difficulty in recruiting a sufficient number of respondents in China by Qualtrics, we were only able to collect approximately 1,000 responses for the first three experiments. Hence, we will conduct another experiment and use Lucid to recruit another 1,000 respondents for the new experiments (see Update in the Experimental Design section). The new experiment will have approximately 200 respondents in each arm.
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