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Last Published November 30, 2022 02:42 PM January 09, 2023 04:31 PM
Primary Outcomes (End Points) Measured about 3 days after treatment - Depression score, happiness, flourishing - Self-reported prosociality, moral universalism, and social image concerns - Work-related outcomes (e.g. work satisfaction, intentions to leave job and to change career) - Schwartz values questions - First-stage outcomes with respect to their experience with Ayahuasca: Ego Dissolution Scale; Mystical Experience Questionnaire; Meaningfulness of Experience - Trip characteristics (e.g. what they tripped on, qualitative information on their experience) Measured about 6 weeks after treatment - Similar to the first endline, but without ayahuasca experience measures - In addition: dictator and trust games, major decisions, work hours, measures of self-knowledge, and incentivized measure of social image concerns Measured Several Months After Treatment (Funding Permitting) - Similar measures as after 6 weeks Measured about 3 days after treatment - Depression score, happiness, flourishing - Self-reported prosociality, moral universalism, and social image concerns - Work-related outcomes (e.g. work satisfaction, intentions to leave job and to change career) - Schwartz values questions - First-stage outcomes with respect to their experience with Ayahuasca: Ego Dissolution Scale; Mystical Experience Questionnaire; Meaningfulness of Experience - Trip characteristics (e.g. what they tripped on, qualitative information on their experience) Measured about 6 weeks after treatment - Similar to the measures above, but some questions dropped and some added - Dropped: Schwartz values questions, first-stage ayahuasca experience measures (except meaningfulness of experience), trip characteristics - Added: dictator game, major decisions, what would you choose vs. what would make you happy, whether relationship mentioned at baseline has improved, work hours, measures of self-knowledge, and incentivized measure of social image concerns Measured 2, 4, and 6 weeks after treatment -Instagram posting behaviours Measured four to six months after treatment (funding permitting) - Similar measures as after 6 weeks
Primary Outcomes (Explanation) Depression and happiness are measured by, respectively, employing the Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K10) and self-reported happiness on a scale from 1 to 7. We also elicit key first-stage measures to compare our participants’ experiences with the literature on clinical trials. For this matter, we use the Ego Dissolution Inventory (Nour et al. 2016), the Mystical Experience Questionnaire (Pahnke WN 1969), and a Meaningful Experience question (as in Griffiths 2006). In the longer run, we are interested in four sets of outcomes. First, prosociality, which we measure through a Dictator Game. Second, trust, using a Berg et al. (1995) trust game. Participants’ choices will be implemented with a small but positive probability. Third, work-related outcomes, for which we ask participants to self-report their work satisfaction, working hours, employment status, intentions to leave their job, and to change careers. Finally, the likelihood of taking major life decisions (e.g. moving house, following Levitt 2021). Depression and happiness are measured by, respectively, employing the Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K10) and self-reported happiness on a scale from 1 to 7. We also elicit key first-stage measures to compare our participants’ experiences with the literature on clinical trials. For this matter, we use the Ego Dissolution Inventory (Nour et al. 2016), the Mystical Experience Questionnaire (Pahnke WN 1969), and a Meaningful Experience question (as in Griffiths 2006).
Secondary Outcomes (End Points) Measured about 3 days after treatment - Self-awareness - Predicted happiness - Social image concerns with respect to revealing on social media about their experience with Ayahuasca - Dreams characteristics (e.g. whether dreamed, whether dreams were positive) - Self-reported competitiveness Measured about 6 weeks after treatment - Religiosity and Spirituality - Predicted study effects on depression Measured about 3 days after treatment - Self-awareness - Predicted happiness - Social image concerns with respect to revealing on social media about their experience with Ayahuasca - Dreams characteristics (e.g. whether dreamed, whether dreams were positive) - Self-reported competitiveness Measured about 6 weeks after treatment - Creativity - Whether dreamed - Religiosity and spirituality - Predicted study effects on depression - Overall health self-evaluation - Behavioural change self-report Measured four to six months after treatment (funding permitting) - Similar measures as after 6 weeks
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