Primary Outcomes (end points)
1. Time-use outcomes:
Total time spent in minutes per day on paid work/employment, unpaid care work, domestic chores, leisure, self-care, socializing, learning, seeking employment, and acquiring vocational skills.
2. Sharing of care work:
Does anyone else help with household work? Who all? (specify), Do you have a domestic maid (Y/N)? Did you hire an external caregiver in the last week etc?
3. Marital Relationship
3.1 Do you spend quality time with your spouse? what activities do you engage in/how do you spend quality time? How many hours in a week?
3.2 Do you discuss matters with your partner (like things that happen at work / on the farm; what you feel or have in your mind; your health-related issues (physical, psychological-emotional); about your ambitions/dreams; about things that happen in the community such as elections or politics etc. )
3.3 How well do you know your partner game? Ask questions about your partner's favorite food, music, pass time, actor/actress; ambition in life, name of a best friend etc.
3.4 Satisfaction with relationship (0-10 scale)
4. Women- empowerment (including women's mobility, decision-making, freedom from violence etc.)
5. Gender norms around gender roles and societal expectations
6. Experimental games to capture resource sharing, trust, cooperation, altruism, etc.