Secondary Outcomes (explanation)
Aligning with the outcomes listed above, there are numerous secondary topics including but not limited to:
a) At the group level: Does the gender composition and/or group decision-making structure impact whether a group selects the highest performing candidate?
At the individual level: What factors impact an individual’s decision to select the highest performing candidate? For example, does gender affect whether the highest ranked performer is selected by the individual?
b) At the group level: Does the gender composition and/or group decision-making structure impact whether a group selects the youngest (or oldest) candidate?
At the individual level: What factors impact an individual’s decision to select the youngest (or oldest) candidate? For example, does gender affect whether the youngest (or oldest) candidate is selected by the individual?
c) At the group level: Are there differences in the discussions on the chat interface based on gender composition and/or group decision-making structure? For example, does the gender composition of the group and/or the voting procedure change the content of the discussion, who speaks up, the length of the discussion, etc.?
At the individual level: What factors impact an individual’s contributions to the discussion on the chat interface such as the content of the discussion, whether to speak up, how much to speak, etc.?
d) Are there differences between individual and group decisions? Does an individual’s gender, the gender composition of the group, and/or the group decision making structure impact these differences? For example, does the gender composition of the group impact who changes their mind between the individual and group decisions?
e) Who volunteers to be a group leader (among the leader treatments)? Additionally, when (meaning, in what round) does a participant volunteer to be a group leader? For example, what individual factors affect who volunteers to be a leader? Does the gender composition of the group and/or the decision-making structure impact who volunteers to be a group leader and when?
f) Do the group composition and/or group decision-making structure affect how individual assess their group’s dynamics (assessed by a series of questions in the post-experiment questionnaire about the group’s decision-making process)?