Experimental Design
To test whether emphasizing the selectivity of a position deters applicants and alters the composition of applicants, we conduct an RCT in the context of the bank’s information sessions for its commercial (KV), information technology (IT), mediamatics (MM), and Digital Business (DB) apprenticeship positions. The information sessions discuss the application process, applicant qualifications, the content of the apprenticeships, and the work environment at the bank.
The treatment will have four components:
1. Baseline survey: All participating students will take a baseline survey, which asks about basic demographic characteristics, the students’ educational and parental background, perceptions of skill, and baseline beliefs regarding the selectivity of the bank’s positions. Within this survey:
a. The treatment group will receive information on the bank’s selectivity.
b. The control group will receive information on how each week is divided between school days and apprenticeship days. This information is publicly accessible and generally mentioned later during the information event.
2. During the information event, participants will be divided into groups and treatment-participants are again informed about the bank's selectivity.
3. Follow-up survey: At the end of the information session, students will take a follow-up survey, which asks about their experiences that day, impressions of the bank, and knowledge of the bank’s selectivity, and beliefs regarding their qualifications for the apprenticeship. Within the survey:
a. The treatment group will receive information on the bank’s selectivity.
b. The control group will receive information on information sessions held by the bank and the timeline of when students apply to/hear back from the bank. This information is publicly available and previously communicated during the day.
4. Follow-up email: within a few days after the event, each student will receive a personalized email with links to information about the apprenticeships at the bank and where to apply when the call opens. The email to treated students includes two sentences not included to control students that again stress selectivity.