Experimental Design
The correspondence test is carried out by creating fictitious applicants who apply for jobs advertised on Platsbanken and document callbacks from employers. The candidate profiles comprise a set of names, gender, country of origin and work experience. The candidate profiles are used to create fictitious applicants with similar cover letters and CV’s.
Research Questions
The correspondence test is designed to answer the following questions:
1. How do employers value self-employment experience for a refugee immigrant of Middle Eastern
(a) Compared to a corresponding period as an employee?
(b) Compared to a corresponding period of unemployment?
2. In this setting, do employers value self-employment experience differently for women and men?
By using a field experiment we can address the issue of selection bias by randomising “group” affiliation. In this way, the applicants only differ in terms of the variable of interest, in this case type of labor market experience. As a result, any selection bias due to a correlation between individual characteristics and the push and pull factors of self-employment entry and exit, are eliminated. The design of the correspondence test allows us to study the causal effect of self-employment experience on the labor market prospects for refugee immigrants, relative unemployment or wage-employment. Thus, as we are constructing the applicant’s qualifications, we can control all information that the employer can observe about the applicant. This means that any difference in the employers assessment of the CV stem from our manipulation of the applicants work experience.
This study will be conducted on a population of employers who advertise a job opening on Platsbanken, the Swedish Public Employment Service online recruitment platform. Because the purpose is to investigate the labour market for refugee migrants with low education we will only apply for jobs in the low-skilled sector. In the standard for Swedish occupational classification (SSYK), professions with requirements for shorter training or introduction are classified with a four digit code staring with number 9. The format for the job ads is standardized such that the information on SSYK classification is available for all job ads posted on the platform. There are 93 occupation names that are included in the category SSYK9. The sample data contains all job ads on the platform classified as SSYK9 that match the occupation name list. The sample might not contain unique employers since each employer can post more than one vacancy during the time period of the data collection. The sample is representative for a subset of employers that are actively recruiting in the low skilled sector. The reason for recruiting can be higher turnover or expansion of the business. Further, employers/firms might use other channels for recruiting than Platsbanken, for example personal networks or other online platforms. This could be due to unobservable differential characteristics
of excluded employers/firms. Hence, the sampled employers might not reflect the population of employers in the low skilled sector in all aspects. However, the sampling method will provide a large sample of recruiting employers, that allows inference about employer’s valuation of self-employment experience.
The data collected in the experiment is call-backs from employers. The response from the employers will be documented for each of the applications. The employer can reply by sending an email or by leaving a voice message. The data collection is conducted in three steps. First, we will download the job ads from Platsbanken. The data from the job ad contains the following variables: Ad-id, Concept-id, Headline,
Title, Todays-date, Publication-date, Publication-deadline, Employer, Email, url, Position-type, Occupation-field, Contract-type, Experience-Required and “Must have” Language. Through the Ad-id we can at any point access a specific job ad as historical data is also provided. If the employer has specified must have language skills that do not match the language specified in resume of the fictitious individual, the job ad will be removed from the list since the applicant lacks education in the required language. The list of job ads will be merged to the candidate profile list. Each daily list of job ads will be appended to the candidate profile list consecutively, such that it always continues from the last
used candidate profile id. The main database is built by the collection of these merged lists. Second, individual resumes are created using information from the job ad and the candidate profile. The name and work experience are collected from the candidate profile. The headline or title will be collected from the job ad. The resume is included in the job application that is sent to the employer by email or by filling out an application form (url). Third, the responses from the employers will be sorted in accordance with the response category criteria and documented in the main database.