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Trial End Date May 31, 2023 August 31, 2023
Last Published March 13, 2023 08:48 AM May 31, 2023 11:27 AM
Intervention End Date May 31, 2023 August 31, 2023
Experimental Design (Public) There are two main treatment variations. First, at the start of the main survey, participants are shown one of three different videos: 1. Control video - gives no information about transgender rights, and includes placebo information about voting rights in India 2. Messaging video - the participant is shown persuasive messaging, arguing that transgenders in India should have fundamental rights 3. Law video - the participant is shown a video that tells them that transgender people actually do have legal rights in India because of a Supreme Court ruling in 2014 In addition, participants are cross-randomised into one of two conditions: 1. Discussion - respondents take part in a discussion among a group of 3 neighbours, in which they discuss their preferred worker and make a collective hiring choice 2. No discussion - respondents do not take part in a discussion. See pre-analysis plan for further details on the experimental design. There are two main treatment variations. First, at the start of the main survey, participants are shown one of three different videos: 1. Control video - gives no information about transgender rights, and includes placebo information about voting rights in India 2. Messaging video - the participant is shown persuasive messaging, arguing that transgenders in India should have fundamental rights 3. Law video - the participant is shown a video that tells them that transgender people actually do have legal rights in India because of a Supreme Court ruling in 2014 In addition, participants are cross-randomised into one of two conditions: 1. Discussion - respondents take part in a discussion among a group of 3 neighbours, in which they discuss their preferred worker and make a collective hiring choice 2. No discussion - respondents do not take part in a discussion. See pre-analysis plan for further details on the experimental design. In phase 2 of the experiment, two additional treatment arms will be added: 1. Pairwise discussion - 2 respondents in a group take part in a discussion, and the 3rd respondent listens 2. Public choices - respondents choose while knowing that their responses will be made public to the others in their group
Planned Number of Clusters Approximately 750 groups of 3 respondents Approximately 1133 groups of 3 respondents
Planned Number of Observations Approximately 2250 respondents Approximately 3400 respondents
Sample size (or number of clusters) by treatment arms N = 300 for each of the following arms: 1. Control video + No Discussion 2. Messaging video + No Discussion 3. Law video + No Discussion 4. Control video + Discussion 5. Messaging video + Discussion 6. Law video + Discussion For the 7th treatment arm (Mixed videos + Discussion), N = 450 N = 300 for each of the following arms: In total: 1. No discussion: N = 1300 2. Discussion: N = 900 3. Public choices: N = 600 4. Pairwise discussion: N = 600 Each will be cross-randomised with the information treatment, so that: 1. Control video: N = 1133 2. Messaging video: N = 1133 3. Law video: N = 1133
Power calculation: Minimum Detectable Effect Size for Main Outcomes Main comparison between 6 treatment groups: Each participant states their preferences over 6 pairs of delivery options. 2 of these pairs includes 1 transgender delivery worker. Based on simulations from pilot data from 120 individuals, this yields an MDE of 15 percentage points (0.3SD) on pairwise comparisons between the 6 treatment arms (assuming 𝛼 = 5%, power = 80%). Main comparison between 6 treatment groups: Each participant states their preferences over 6 pairs of delivery options. 2 of these pairs includes 1 transgender delivery worker. Based on simulations from pilot data from 120 individuals, this yields an MDE of 15 percentage points (0.3SD) on pairwise comparisons between the 6 treatment arms (assuming 𝛼 = 5%, power = 80%). Comparison of No discussion with Discussion. Similar simulations imply an MDE of 7.5 percentage points (0.15SD).
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