Experimental Design
We conduct dictator game experiments in the following three conditions:
I. Anonymous: A recipient is anonymous for a vaccinated allocator.
II. Ingroup: A vaccinated allocator is informed that a recipient belongs to the ingroup. Specifically, the recipient is an individual who has received the three or more COVID-19 vaccinations up to March 2023.
III. Outgroup: A vaccinated allocator is informed that a recipient belongs to the outgroup. Specifically, the recipient is an individual who has never received the COVID-19 vaccination as of March 2023.
One vaccinated subject participates in three dictator game experiments as an allocator. We randomly set the order of the above conditions to create two groups. After we present the dictator game in the Anonymous condition (I) in both groups, we randomly present either of (II, III) or (III, II).
Furthermore, we create two treatment groups and one control group, as follows:
Treatment A: We provide information on the tendency of the COVID-19 non-vaccinators to allocate higher amounts to the vaccinators in the February 2022 experiment.
Treatment B: We provide information on the tendency of the COVID-19 non-vaccinators to allocate higher amounts to the vaccinators in the February 2022 experiment. In addition, we explain that this tendency was obvious in particular among the non-vaccinators who selected as their non-vaccination reason “I would like to get vaccinated if I could, but I cannot for health or other reasons.”
Control: We provide no additional information.
We randomly create the above two subgroups, (I, II, III) and (I, III, II), in each of the three groups Treatment A, Treatment B, and Control. Thus, the final group composition is Treatment A (I, II, III), Treatment A (I, III, II), Treatment B (I, II, III), Treatment B (I, III, II), Control (I, II, III), Control (I, III, II).
We explain more details in the attachment of the analysis plan.