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Last Published September 12, 2023 03:43 PM September 16, 2023 06:52 AM
Experimental Design (Public) This study uses an RCT to assess whether there is a causal link between the program and changes in outcomes. The evaluation of this employs a three-arm clustered RCT design (two treatment groups and one control group). Randomization is done in 2 stages: We first pick 223 schools from a pre-existing list provided by our partner organizations. We then randomly distribute these 223 schools into the three study arms: T1 (self-help), T2 (assisted), and C (control). T1 (self-help) and T2 (assisted) will have 74 schools each and Control will have 75 schools. From each school, we will randomly select 15 students on average to participate in the program. We will ensure that about half of the students are female when we randomly select the students to be treated from each treatment school. The intervention contains three study arms: a) T1: Self-help group (74 schools, 1057 students) –will only be provided with information on how to access IVR-based lessons and how this program could result in improved educational outcomes (such as higher marks on the SSC exams). Participants will receive regular text messages from the IVR system. b) T2: Assisted group (74 schools, 1060 students) – Will receive the same information as students in T1. Additional treatment will be provided in the form of biweekly phone calls from a tutor. Participants will also receive regular text messages from the IVR system. c) T3: Control (75 schools, 1082 students) - This group of students will not be receiving any intervention. This study uses an RCT to assess whether there is a causal link between the program and changes in outcomes. The evaluation of this employs a three-arm clustered RCT design (two treatment groups and one control group). Randomization is done in 2 stages: We first pick 223 schools from a pre-existing list provided by our partner organizations. We then randomly distribute these 223 schools into the three study arms: T1 (self-help), T2 (assisted), and C (control). T1 (self-help) and T2 (assisted) will have 74 schools each and Control will have 75 schools. From each school, we will randomly select 15 students on average to participate in the program. We will ensure that about half of the students are female when we randomly select the students to be treated from each treatment school. The intervention contains three study arms: a) T1: Self-help group (74 schools, 1057 students selected to receive treatment) –will only be provided with information on how to access IVR-based lessons and how this program could result in improved educational outcomes (such as higher marks on the SSC exams). Participants will receive regular text messages from the IVR system. b) T2: Assisted group (74 schools, 1060 students selected to receive treatment) – Will receive the same information as students in T1. Additional treatment will be provided in the form of biweekly phone calls from a tutor. Participants will also receive regular text messages from the IVR system. c) T3: Control (75 schools, 2170 students) - This group of students will not be receiving any intervention.
Planned Number of Observations 3458 6427 Students
Sample size (or number of clusters) by treatment arms T1: Self-help group: 74 schools (units of randomization), 1057 students (units of observation) T2: Assisted group: 74 schools (units of randomization), 1060 students (units of observation) Control: 75 schools (units of randomization),1082 students (units of observation) T1: Self-help group: 74 schools (units of randomization), 1057 students selected for treatment (units of observation) T2: Assisted group: 74 schools (units of randomization), 1060 students selected for treatment (units of observation) Control: 75 schools (units of randomization), 2170 students (units of observation)
Power calculation: Minimum Detectable Effect Size for Main Outcomes We consider a 0.23 SD effect size, alpha levels of 0.05, and a 0.2 inter-cluster correlation (ICC) to achieve 80% statistical power. We consider a 0.23 SD effect size, alpha levels of 0.05, and a 0.2 intra-cluster correlation (ICC) to achieve 80% statistical power.
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