The digital platform, managed by the service provider Landfiles, has been customized for the experiment. In particular, participants do not have the possibility to share the content outside the platform, or even outside their peer group. In treatment arms A and B, only the injection points receive the information specially designed for the study; they can only share it with members of their group. treatment A and B differ because of the characteristics of the injection point, who will be an earlyt adopter of agroecology in arm A and an ordinary peer in arm B. In treatment C, the content is directly sent to all participants. Members of the same peer group can exchange with each other, but not with members of other peer groups.
Participants will receive a specific content on ecological practices, which we call the intervention. The content of the intervention will take the form of portraits of innovative farms, follow-up of agronomic trials, and newsletters. It will include several agroecological topics, including companion plants, plant cover, non-tillage associated with the reduction of herbicides, cereal-vegetable association, foliar fertilization. In practice, the injection points in arms A and B as well as each participant in arm C will receive one portrait of an innovative farm every two weeks, one agronomic trial follow-up every three weeks, and one newsletter every month.