The intervention targets women entrepreneurs in three cities: Addis Ababa, Bahir Dar, and Hawassa in Ethiopia. The mindset-oriented business training program is a tailor-made entrepreneurship training and coaching program designed for entrepreneurs interested in growing their businesses. The training called ScaleUp! plus a newly-designed couple’s curriculum component are implemented by Digital Opportunity Trust (DOT), a Canada-based social enterprise that operates entrepreneurship programs in Ethiopia. The program participants are offered six training sessions, half of which are provided at their place of preference which can be at their business premises or home. The couples' specific curriculum is designed to address intra-household constraints and encourage greater support from male partners. The couples’ training sessions focus on exploring the value of the women’s business, supportive listening, mapping her business path, creating shared solutions, and listing relevant financial resources. The couples' part of the training is offered within the home or business to both women entrepreneurs and their husbands.