Primary Outcomes (explanation)
(1) Lender Profitability: Marginal loan profitability compared to inframarginal loan profitability.
(2) Credit scores: probability of having a score if borrower previously did not have one, and change in score if borrower had one before.
(3) Well-being: (a) Economic self-sufficiency: income and employment status (b)Food consumption: anyone in the household experienced hunger in the past 30 days and whether the quality of food consumed by the household improved over the last 12 months (c) Investment: in housing, education, and self-employment (d) Physical health: self-reported reply to ““Would you say your health at this time is very good, good, fair, bad, or very bad?” and recent sickness (e) Mental health: stress and depression measured by Cohen’s Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) and Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) (f) Outlook and control: optimism, intra-household decision power, and self-perception of community status.