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Field Before After
Trial Status on_going completed
Last Published July 21, 2023 06:04 AM December 23, 2023 11:56 AM
Experimental Design (Public) We consider 1 treatment without a leader and 5 treatments with a first-mover. In all treatments, the safe payoff is $4 for everyone. In all treatments, the two other group members have a LowPayoff of $2.75 and a HighPayoff of $4.75. The treatments vary in the incentives of the leader. We consider 1 treatment without a leader and 5 treatments with a first-mover. In all treatments, the safe payoff is $4 for everyone. In all treatments, the two other group members have a LowPayoff of $2.75 and a HighPayoff of $4.75. The treatments vary in the incentives of the leader. Change: After collecting these treatments, we decided to add one more treatment to obtain a more complete picture of the effect of leader risk. Specifically, we look also at the case when the leader earns no bonus but also has no risk.
Planned Number of Clusters 1200 individuals (independent observations) 1400 individuals (independent observations)
Planned Number of Observations 1200 individuals 1400 individuals
Sample size (or number of clusters) by treatment arms 6 Treatments with about 100 subjects in the US. 6 Treatments with about 100 subjects in the Nordic Countries, or as much as possible given limited availability. Update: We have collected about half of the observations for the Nordic countries. Due to limited liquidity, we will now also include people from the Netherlands and France. The rationale is that these countries are geographically near the Nordic countries (EU), have Gini coefficients similar to the Nordic countries, and are sufficiently large so we are able to collect the remaining observations. 7 Treatments with about 100 subjects in the US. 7 Treatments with about 100 subjects in the Nordic Countries, or as much as possible given limited availability. Update: We have collected about half of the observations for the Nordic countries. Due to limited liquidity, we will now also include people from the Netherlands and France. The rationale is that these countries are geographically near the Nordic countries (EU), have Gini coefficients similar to the Nordic countries, and are sufficiently large so we are able to collect the remaining observations.
Public analysis plan No Yes
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Analysis Plans

Field Before After
Pre-analysis plan (2).pdf
MD5: 24069c7caf80c40d465a5a5ce8e0e187
SHA1: 6c561725a0b8ccde4adef6f22cb9979cd561c8c1
Title Hypotheses for "With Risk Comes Reward" including one new treatment
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