Experimental Design
Our experimental design operates within the framework of a public goods game, where participants are organized into groups of four, engaging in 20 rounds of repeated interactions within this public goods context.
Distinguishing itself from the conventional public goods game, our design incorporates a nuanced alteration in initial endowments, with participants receiving varying allocations of tokens:20tokens for two participants and 40 tokens for other two participants, effectively creating an initial endowment distribution of 20/20/40/40. Moreover, we employ a marginal per capita return (MPCR) set at 1.6. A notable divergence from standard practices lies in our approach to random matching, as we introduce a rematching process every 10 rounds, a feature intricately linked to our treatment group configurations.
Within this experimental framework, our baseline treatment adheres to the standard public goods game. However, in our 2x3 experimental setting, participants are randomly assigned to distinct treated groups, thereby experiencing variations in several key aspects: the source of scores (either derived from social scores or AI scores), the potential correspondence of scores or rates with monetary losses, as well as the diverse mappings between scores or rates and monetary losses.
Upon the conclusion of the experiment, participants are required to complete a comprehensive questionnaire pertaining to their individual characteristics and economic preferences, encompassing factors such as risk propensity and prosocial tendencies. Furthermore, two additional tests—the 12ravens test and CRT—are conducted as part of our assessment.
Regarding the payment structure, one round is randomly selected from rounds 1-10, while another round is randomly selected from rounds 11-20. The cumulative sum of these selected rounds determines the participants' profits from the public goods game, which are subsequently converted into RMB using an exchange rate of 3 tokens equating to 1 yuan. Additionally, participants may receive supplementary earnings from the aforementioned post-experiment tests. A participation fee of 20 yuan is provided, and on average, the experiment lasts approximately one hour, with an average remuneration of around 60 yuan.