In late 2022, SECLE hired service providers from different areas in Finland to carry out the outreach intervention in 2023. The intervention is structured as follows: First, the agents approach companies (3 to 149 personnel) to chart their skill needs. Next, if company is interested, agents will hold an informational event for the employees. In the event, the agents will provide information on local educational options as well as practical guidance on applying, enrollment, and financial support. The exact content of the event will be tailored based on a previous discussion with company management. These events can also be organized for multiple companies simultaneously if deemed suitable. The events are targeted towards individuals with only primary or general upper secondary education although individuals with higher educational attainment are not forbidden to attend.
The service providers receive a payment for each event they organize, provided that at least one attendee has only primary or general upper secondary education and is not currently enrolled in education. If there are more than one such attendees, the agents will also receive additional payments for each one of them. The intervention is provided only in the randomly selected areas for companies employing 3 to 149 employees. The agents are instructed to only approach the companies fulfilling these prerequisites. They also receive the financial reward only for the events organized in these companies.