Experimental Design
This research will be conducted through a face-to-face survey experiment in the streets of Quito-Ecuador, specifically outside malls to preserve surveyors’ security and integrity. This methodology will allow me to test how a populist message may influence the political attitudes of the participants. Thus, the experiment will have a control and a treatment arm to compare the effect of the populist message versus the non-populist one. Under this scheme, the eligible participants are Ecuadorians between 20- and 65-year-old that have the right to vote and have voted in the last presidential election. The survey will be developed using Qualtrics, so surveyors will use a devise to conduct the surveys and answers will automatically upload to the system once the survey is finished. Hence, the surveyors will not have access to the collected information. Also, Qualtrics allows me to include filters of security for the data collected like not recording the IP or dropping incomplete observations. Surveyors will be students from universities in the capital of Ecuador who study related areas to administration (e.g., students from Central University of Ecuador).
The randomized sequence will be done before hand (computer system), so each person that is interviewed will be assigned to the treatment or control group regarding the mentioned sequence. The control group will have a neutral message of delinquency, while the treatment group will receive a populist message about delinquency, the causes, and information blaming out-groups (immigrants in this case). This latter might induce people to support directly or indirectly right-wing populism and its policies.
Nonresponse and Attrition from the Sample
The study uses a survey experiment in the streets of Ecuador and some people would not agree to participate on it. One reason could be because they feel unsafe talking to people on the streets due to delinquency. Here, it will be mandatory to use a distinction with special clothes that make people feel safe. Moreover, the survey will be conducted outside malls where people could feel safer. Another reason could be because they are reluctant to provide information. For that, they will be informed that the survey is anonymous, and their answers will not be tracked to them. Besides that, I would remark that the survey is for academic purpose and to make it interesting I would inform them that there is a game where they would like to participate. Finally, there will be people that do not want to participate because they are in rush and, in this case, I could not convince them to be part of the survey.
It is also possible that people do not want to continue with the survey, either because of rush or they do not feel comfortable providing further personal or political information. Hence, these observations should be dropped from the sample and be replaced for the next person surveyed under the same randomization criteria. With the purpose to avoid attrition and people do not get exhausted of the questionnaire, the survey will not last more than 10 minutes.
A pilot of 200 surveys was conducted with the purpose to test the hypotheses (5 to 9 of June 2023). There are difference in response between the treatment and the control group, and the results suggest that the manipulation has an effect on the primary and secondary outcomes. Few changes were made to the survey after the pilot, among them, in the scale of response it was included an option for the participants to say "I don't know" for not to force an answer. In the final paper the results of the pilot will be presented as a short analysis and compared it with the results of real experiment.