Primary Outcomes (explanation)
1) ITN uptake: administrative records were kept by the clinic on ITN sales.
2) ITN usage: unannounced home visits were conducted with a randomly selected subsample of 246 women who had purchased ITNs. During the home visits, respondents were asked to show the net, whether they had started using it, and who was sleeping under it. Surveyors checked to see whether the net had been taken out of the packaging, whether it was hanging, and the condition of the net. During study rollout, clinic staff, enumerators or study participants were not informed that such visits would be conducted in order to ensure that usage was not unusually high due to Hawthorne effects.
3) Hb level: each clinic was visited three or four times on random days, and on those days enumerators surveyed all pregnant women who came for a prenatal visit. Women were asked basic background questions and whether they purchased a net, and their hemoglobin levels were recorded. In total, these measures were collected from 545 pregnant women.