Primary Outcomes (end points)
1) Premix fuel delivery and usage, including detailed information about business outcomes (e.g., lines of business: fishing vs non-fishing; employment; revenues; assets; profits; boat or canoe failures; fishing rates, etc.), beneficiaries’ perceptions about and preferences for the digitization program, likelihood of having access to premix fuel in the village, political affiliations and perceptions, prices beneficiaries pay for fuel (both premix and non-premix fuel), prices of fish, etc.
2) Leakages across fishing villages by (i) comparing (the Secretariat's) administrative data and (the PIs) survey data, including measurement of black market activities.
3) Poverty: The villages are low-income and poor environments. We field questions to directly examine poverty. We will adapt a recently developed measure of poverty, called the “Simple Poverty Scorecard”, that is rigorous, inexpensive, simple, and transparent (for details, see Schreiner 2015). We will complement this with data on:
*(i) Household expenses (food, bills, education, health, durables / appliances / accessories, personal care, durables) and
*(ii) Subjective and objective inclusion/exclusion indexes reflecting whether: every fisherman has the opportunity to official PREMIX, LBC leaders avoid playing favorites, fishermen in village treated fairly and/or full in access to official PREMIX, fishermen excited that LBC leaders will welcome and support them, fishermen feel like beneficiaries of program, fishermen perspectives are counted/included in PREMIX decision making by LBC leaders; fishermen have not had access to PREMIX for for long time and/or denied access to the official PREMIX.
4) Quality of premix fuel in circulation across villages by deploying NPA’s Quality Assurance Team to randomly conduct quality checks and certification tests at across select villages.
5) Air pollution and carbon emission across villages by deploying NPA’s Quality Assurance Team to install and monitor outdoor pollution trackers across select villages. We will complement this with available satellite and remote sensing data.