Primary Outcomes (explanation)
The survey questionnaire includes the following modules:
Household roster: this module will collect information on the people travelling with the respondent, and will include the typical roster questions such as age, level of education, main source of household income, sex, disabilities, and income generating activities. The module also includes questions on modes of communication, which is included in order to determine the best way to communicate with the respondent for the follow-up surveys.
Food insecurity experience scale: this module collects information on whether the subject experienced food insecurity over the last 30 days.
WFP Programme monitoring questions: this module asks respondents about their preferences regarding World Food Programme (WFP) assistance, and whether they received it in the past.
Coping strategies: this module collects information about low- and high-risk coping behaviors related to the shocks experienced by respondents during their migration. Behaviors include reduced food consumption, borrowing money, and informal employment.
Consumption expenditure: this module is about food items, non-food items, and services consumed or purchased by the household in the past week, and the amount spent by the household.
Psychological wellbeing: this module collects information about the respondent’s wellbeing (e.g. have they experienced anxiety etc. using standard PHQ4 questions).
Migration: this module, the longest in the questionnaire, collects information on the respondent’s past migration route, future migration plans, safety, health and income during trip, and planning and expectations about their destination country.
Costly borrowing: this module is about loans taken by the respondent’s household.