Intervention (Hidden)
Participants will conduct the experiment via an online platform. Participants will be randomly assigned to one of two experimental groups, and each participant takes decisions in five consecutive stages.
We inform them, that they must answer several control questions and that they cannot participate in the survey if they fail to answer them correctly.
[Experiment Wording]
With this survey, we would like to learn more about the attitudes of the population in Germany towards various topics. Answering the questionnaire will take about 15 minutes. The survey is anonymous, and your answers will be treated with absolute confidentiality. The anonymized dataset containing the responses of all participants will be made available to the scientific community exclusively for research purposes. By clicking "Continue" below, you agree to this provision. No conclusions can be drawn about your personal identity from the data.
We are simply interested in your spontaneous assessments and opinions. Therefore, please provide an answer even if you are unsure. By clicking the "Continue" button, you will proceed to the next question.
This survey includes a game in which you can earn additional compensation. To participate in the game, you must read a short game instruction and answer several comprehension questions correctly. Any additional compensation will be credited to you within the next four weeks after the data analysis.
To facilitate comprehensibility, we use the male form in the game instructions. However, all personal designations used equally apply to women, men, and diverse genders.
Thank you in advance for your participation at this stage!
[Game Instructions: Same in both experimental conditions]
In the following sending game, you can earn additional compensation. The amount depends on your decisions and the decisions of other participants.
For the following decisions, we will assign you a "partner". This partner is a randomly selected participant in this survey. The participants represent the overall population in Germany as accurately as possible and fall within the age range of 18 to 69.
In the sending game, you will receive 1 euro and must decide whether to "send" or "not send" the euro to your partner. If you decide to "send" the euro, it will be doubled, and your partner will receive 2 euros. If you decide "not to send" the euro, you will keep 1 euro.
Your partner will also receive 1 euro and must decide whether to "send" or "not send" it back to you. The same rules apply.
Both you and your partner make your decisions simultaneously, so neither of you can see how the other person decides. Regardless of your partner's decision, your earnings will be higher if you choose "don't send".
[4 COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS - respondents have 3 attempts - if they fail they cannot continue with the survey]
[Answer categories:] Open answer – numbers.
How much do you and your partner earn in the following situation?
[C1] Assume you and your partner decide to"send".
[C2] Assume you decide to "send", your partner decides "not to send".
[C3] Assume you decide "not to send", and your partner decides to "send
[C4] Assume you and your partner decide "not to send".
[Group 1: START: Treatment WITH TTP]
ATTENTION: There is an additional rule of the game.
There are referees in this game. You and your partner each have one referee. They each get 0.5 euros initial budget.
Your referee observes your decisions in the sending game. He must decide whether or not to take away all of your earnings from the sending game.
The referee can take away your earnings only if you choose "do not send". If you choose "send", he cannot take away your earnings and keeps his initial budget.
If you choose "do not send" and the referee decides to take away your money, you will lose all the earnings from the sending game and will not get any money. However, this will cost the referee 0.5 euros and will be deducted from his initial budget. ATTENTION: Nobody gets the money taken away. Not even the referee.
He can also choose not to take away your earnings from the sending game if you choose "do not send". In this case, you keep all the earnings from the sending game. This costs the referee nothing and he keeps his initial budget of 0.5 euros.
Your referee is not your partner from the sending game, but another randomly selected participant in this survey.
The same rules of the game apply to your partner and his referee.
[6 COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS - respondents move automatically on after the 3 attempts]
ATTENTION: The sending game begins now! Please make your decision in the sending game now!
[Stage 1: Cooperation]
[q01] Which decision do you want to make? [Answer Categories: Send / Don't Send]
[Stage 2: Beliefs about the behavior of the partner]
[q02] What do you guess your partner's decision is? [Answer Categories: Send / Don't Send]
[q02a] How confident are you that your answer is correct? [Answer categories: 7-point scale: (1) “Very unconfident” … (7) “Very confident”]
[Stage 3: Appropriateness of decisions]
[q03] How appropriate or inappropriate do you think it is to choose "send" in the previous game?
[Answer Categories: (1) "Very inappropriate"; (2) "Somewhat inappropriate"; (3) "Somewhat appropriate"; (4) "Very appropriate"]
[q04] And how appropriate or inappropriate do you think it is to choose "\textbf{don't send}" in the previous game?
[Answer Categories: (1) "Very inappropriate"; (2) "Somewhat inappropriate"; (3) "Somewhat appropriate"; (4) "Very appropriate"]
[Stage 4: Beliefs about the behavior of the referee]
[q05] What do you guess your referee will decide if you choose "don't send"? [Answer Categories: Don't take away/ Take away]
[q05a] How confident are you that your answer is correct? [Answer categories: 7-point scale: (1) “Very unconfident” … (7) “Very confident”]
[Group 1: END: Treatment WITH TTP]
[Group 2: START: Treatment WITHOUT TTP]
ATTENTION: The sending game begins now! Please make your decision in the sending game now!
[Stage 1: Cooperation]
[q01] Which decision do you want to make? [Answer Categories: Send / Don't Send]
[Stage 2: Beliefs about the behavior of the partner]
[q02] What do you guess your partner's decision is? [Answer Categories: Send / Don't Send]
[q02a] How confident are you that your answer is correct? [Answer categories: 7-point scale: (1) “Very unconfident” … (7) “Very confident”]
[Stage 3: Appropriateness of decisions]
[q03] How appropriate or inappropriate do you think it is to choose "send" in the previous game?
[Answer Categories: (1) "Very inappropriate"; (2) "Somewhat inappropriate"; (3) "Somewhat appropriate"; (4) "Very appropriate"]
[q04] And how appropriate or inappropriate do you think it is to choose "\textbf{don't send}" in the previous game?
[Answer Categories: (1) "Very inappropriate"; (2) "Somewhat inappropriate"; (3) "Somewhat appropriate"; (4) "Very appropriate"]
Now we come to a new game:
In this game, you are a referee. For this, you will receive 0.5 euro initial budget. You observe the decision of another participant in the previously described sending game with slightly changed rules.
You have to decide whether you want to take away or not take away all his earnings from the sending game.
You can take away the earnings only if the participant chooses "do not send". If he chooses "send", you cannot take away his earnings and you keep your initial budget.
If the participant chooses "do not send" and you decide to take away his earnings from the sending game, he will lose all the earnings from the sending game and will not receive any money. However, this will cost you take away and will be deducted from your initial budget. ATTENTION: Nobody gets the money taken away. Not even you as a referee.
You can also choose not to take away the participant's earnings from the sending game if he chooses "do not send". In this case, he keeps all the earnings from the sending game. This will cost you nothing and you will keep your initial budget of 0.5 euros.
This participant is not your partner from the sending game, but another randomly selected participant from this survey.
Important: The rules of the game with the possible loss of earnings are known to this participant when he makes his decision in the sending game.
Also, the partner of this participant has his own referee who can take money away from him if he chooses “do not send”.
[6 COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS - respondents move automatically on after the 3 attempts]
ATTENTION: Now comes the referee decision! Please make your decision now!
[Stage 4: Punishment Decision]
Which decision do you want to make?
[q07] If the participant chooses "don't send", I would like to ... [Answer Categories: .. take away / ... don't take away]
[Group 2: END: Treatment WITHOUT TTP]
[Stage 5: Personal questions ]
[Treatment Variation]
Participants are randomly put into one of two groups and play two different versions of the game:
[Treatment 1] — PD without TPP
[Treatment 2] — PD with TPP
Please refer to the provided supplementary material for the complete translated survey: Translated online survey for pre-registration_PD_Game2