Primary Outcomes (explanation)
For each business plan, we will measure the following evaluation outcomes:
1. Five factors evaluated on a scale of 1 (low) to 10 (high), analyzed both individually and as an index: (1) writing of business plan; (2) innovation and value proposition; (3) execution plan; (4) potential to invest in this idea; (5) viability. We also plan to explore the standard deviation of these ratings across participants.
2. A binary indicator of whether the participant would accept the startup into the accelerator: "Would you accept this startup into the accelerator program?" Response: yes/no.
3. A binary indicator of whether the participant would be interested in being introduced to the startup: "Would you be interested in being introduced to the startup?" Response: yes/no.
4. Likelihood of the participant investing in the startup: "How likely would you be to invest in the startup? (Click on the slider and then select the number)". Response: range from 0 to 100. Analyzed using both the raw number and a binary indicator above the median.
We plan to analyze treatment effects by regressing each outcome on an indicator of whether the business plan was a GPT-generated version, running this specification with business plan fixed effects and participant fixed effects to increase precision.
We also plan to analyze heterogeneity in treatment effects along the following dimensions, by interacting each with the treatment indicator of whether the business plan was a GPT-generated version:
1. An indicator of whether the business plan was accepted or rejected from the accelerator program
2. Writing quality of the original version of the business plan (coded as a binary indicator for many grammatical and spelling errors)