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Last Published October 02, 2023 04:59 PM October 03, 2023 12:36 PM
Planned Number of Clusters Our total sample size will be n=2,400. Our total sample size will be n=2,000.
Planned Number of Observations Our total sample size will be n=2,400. Our total sample size will be n=2,000.
Sample size (or number of clusters) by treatment arms A quarter of the participants will be assigned to the "perception" treatment (n=600), a quarter of the participants to the "purge" treatment (n=600), a quarter of the participants to the "combined" treatment (n=600), and the last quarter of the participants to the control group (n=600). A quarter of the participants will be assigned to the "perception" treatment (n=500), a quarter of the participants to the "purge" treatment (n=500), a quarter of the participants to the "combined" treatment (n=500), and the last quarter of the participants to the control group (n=500).
Power calculation: Minimum Detectable Effect Size for Main Outcomes We conducted a preliminary pilot study with a sample size of n=147, during which we observed significant effect sizes concerning our primary outcome, which pertains to the SAR Transparency. Specifically, the effect size approached 0.485 when comparing the "perception" group to the control group. This observed effect is substantially larger than our initial expectations, taking into account that we assume a level of statistical test equal to 0.05. Nevertheless, we plan to employ a larger sample size to determine effects across all our primary outcomes comprehensively. Additionally, this larger sample size will provide us with adequate statistical power to detect effects, considering the multitude of tests we intend to conduct. We conducted a preliminary pilot study with a sample size of n=147, during which we observed significant effect sizes concerning one of our primary outcomes, which pertains to the Perception of Corruption of the SAR. Specifically, the effect size approached 0.485 when comparing the "perception" group to the control group. This observed effect is substantially larger than our initial expectations, taking into account that we assume a level of statistical test equal to 0.05. Nevertheless, we plan to employ a larger sample size to determine effects across all our primary outcomes comprehensively. Additionally, this larger sample size will provide us with adequate statistical power to detect effects, considering the multitude of tests we intend to conduct.
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IRB Name Nottingham School of Economics Research Ethics Committee Uiniversity of Nottingham, School of Economics, Research Ethics Committee
IRB Approval Date September 01, 2023 September 21, 2023
IRB Approval Number 01092023 NSE20230921
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