The objective of this study is to evaluate the medium-run impact of providing timely cash payments during an extreme flooding event on household welfare and behavioural choices, such as migration.
Pakistan is ranked 8th among countries most affected by climate change, according to the Global Climate Risk Index 2021. In 2022, flooding in Pakistan resulted in a significant loss of life and widespread devastation, with economic damages being estimated at a minimum of $30 billion, equivalent to approximately 10% of Pakistan's GDP.
To mitigate the adverse impact of the flood, a one-off cash payment was made per eligible household through the Benazir Income Support Program (BISP) to enable beneficiaries to meet their urgent and essential needs including support for food, water, shelter etc. in addition to regular social protection transfers implemented through BISP. Recipients were eligible to receive grants if they scored 32 or lower on a proxy means test (PMT). This initiative was funded by the Pakistan Hydromet and Climate Services Project (PHCSP), a World Bank-supported operation with the objective of restoring ecosystems in selected areas and providing an immediate and effective response to an Eligible Crisis or Emergency. Using this threshold, approximately the bottom 40% of households in affected areas were eligible for support. Those who scored just below the PMT threshold of 32, and were therefore eligible to receive cash support, are likely to be very similar to those who scored just above the threshold, and who were therefore not eligible to receive cash assistance. By exploiting the large variation in support provided to households straddling this threshold, this study will be able to measure the impact of timely cash support during a flood on a range of welfare and other outcomes.
To do so, the study aims to administer a short survey to households whose PMT scores in 2022 rendered them (just) eligible to receive cash support as well as to households whose PMT scores rendered them (just) ineligible to receive cash support. Surveys will be administered prior to the 2023 monsoon season. This allows the project to measure the extent of household recovery over the longer term (approximately 8-9 months after cash was received) and prior to further potential disruption caused by flooding in the 2023 monsoon season.