Primary Outcomes (end points)
Our first primary outcome of interest is an index of the dashboard indicators listed below, weighted by recipient preferences. Weights for this index will be estimated based on data collected in midline or a later steady-state round.
Our intervention involves sharing a dashboard with the marketing inspectors (MIs, explained below in the intervention section). The indicators on this dashboard will also serve as primary outcomes of interest. Specifically, these include:
- Percentage of entitlement received according to phone surveys
- Percentage of beneficiaries receiving more than 80% of their entitlement according to phone surveys
- Percentage of entitlement received according to ePoS data
- Percentage of beneficiaries receiving more than 80% of their entitlement according to ePoS data
- Percentage of transactions that take one trip to receive all their ration for a given month
- Percentage of transactions with no authentication problems
- Overall beneficiary rating of the PDS experience
- Percentage of beneficiaries receiving more than the share of entitlements received by the 20th percentile of the control distribution of beneficiaries, according to phone surveys [this measure will not be in the dashboard to begin with, but we intend to use this as an alternative if there are substantial shifts in the control distribution over time]
At the outset, we are designing this study with an explicit focus to improve outcomes on the left tail of the distribution of the beneficiary population and FPSs. We list our approach to test these below:
- Quantile regression using the baseline and endline distributions of FPS performance, specified at quartiles
- Overall treatment effects on the following outcome:
(0.8E_i - Y_i) where Y_i is the survey data report of how much grain a beneficiary received, and E_i is their entitlement
- The average change in the FPS-level share of beneficiaries that receive >= 80% of their entitlement [this is a beta test for the second phase of the study, details below in the intervention section]
Separately, we are also interested in testing the effects on how MIs and FPS owners value their roles relative to outside options. We do not have measures for these yet, but will specify them prior to the midline or endline, which is when we intend to collect them.
We will test heterogenous treatment effects on the following dimensions:
- Baseline measures of pro-sociality among MIs. Note that heterogeneity on this dimension is not obvious. More pro-social MIs may value incentives more or less than less pro-social ones, and the differential marginal value of information to these groups is also not clear ex-ante. We will perform this test with the following variables:
-- Using a vignette-style survey elicitation in the baseline, we have MIs’ ranks of various job attributes (mission, intrinsic motivation, status, career motivation, and signaling). We use the first principal component of these measures, and split the observations on above and below the median of the first eigenvector. This binary will be used as a variable to test heterogeneous treatment effects on.
-- For comparisons with measures used in this literature, we also specify a binary variable for whether an MIs’ WTP for a “mission-oriented” job is above or (weakly) below INR 25,000. This WTP was also elicited through a vignette-style elicitation at baseline.
- Baseline accuracy of MIs’ beliefs about the implementation quality in their jurisdiction. We intend to use this heterogeneity to distinguish between the information and incentive channels of our intervention. Specifically, the intervention has both an information component (by telling MI’s how they are doing), and an incentive component (by letting their supervisors and senior officials know how they are performing). When MI’s have accurate beliefs on their jurisdiction, the main channel of intervention impact will be the incentive channel; when they do not, both channels will matter.
- Some additional measures that we we will also explore heterogeneous treatment effects on, but consider as substantially less important than the ones above:
-- Baseline number of FPSs under MI jurisdiction (above/below median)
-- Baseline share of GPs vs private FPSs under MI jurisdiction (above/below median)
-- Baseline share of rural vs urban FPSs under MI jurisdiction (above/below median)
-- MIs’ confidence in their FPS ratings (above/below median)
Regression specifications:
We will report ITT estimates, which compare average outcomes in treatment and control areas. Our primary outcomes are defined at the beneficiary level, which is the unit at which we will analyze them. Regressions will include fixed effects at the level of the randomization stratum and will be estimated using inverse sampling probabilities as weights. Standard errors will be clustered at the unit of randomization (MI).
We will analyze data monthly as well as pooled across the entire duration of the study, with month fixed effects in the latter specification:
Y_itfmsd = \alpha + \beta_t * treatment_itfmsd + \gamma*X_ifmsd + \epsilson_itfmsd
Y_itfmsd = \alpha + \beta * treatment_itfmsd + \gamma*X_ifmsd + \phi_t + \epsilson_itfmsd
Where i is the individual, f is the FPS, m is the MI, s is the stratum and d is the district. phi_t is a month fixed effect and X_ifmsd is a vector of baseline characteristics of the household that we observe in the administrative data (household size). Standard errors will be clustered at the MI level. We will also conduct randomization inference as a robustness check.
In addition, we will also report quantile regressions, with quartiles specified based on both baseline and endline performance indicators at the FPS level.
For the outcomes at the MI and FPS level regs:
Y_jtsd = \alpha + \beta * treatment_jtmsd + \gamma*X_ifmsd + \phi_t + \epsilson_jtsd
Y_jtsd = \alpha + \beta * treatment_jtsd + \gamma*X_jsd + \phi_t + \epsilson_jtsd
Where j is the MI or FPS owner, s is the stratum and d is the district. phi_t is a month fixed effect and X_ifmsd is a vector of baseline characteristics of the household that we observe in the administrative data (household size). Standard errors will be clustered at the MI level for the FPS level regressions. We will also conduct randomization inference as a robustness check.