Secondary Outcomes (explanation)
First, exposure to KAZNET crowdsourced livestock information can increase trust and influence the use of such information. We check whether KAZNET was mentioned as a source of information on livestock markets and forage conditions. We further test the effect of our intervention on the perceived usefulness of KAZNET information. Respondents will be asked to indicate on a scale of 0 (not useful at all) to 10 (very useful) the extent to which KAZNET information was useful to the livestock activities of their households. We also assess trust in KAZNET data. Respondents will be asked to indicate on a scale of 0 (no trust at all) to 10 (complete trust) the extent to which they trust that KAZNET information is accurate for the livestock activities of their households.
Second, we hypothesize that KAZNET information can influence behavior. Specifically, we test the effect of our intervention on the number of people with whom the respondent discusses about markets and forage conditions, the likelihood of changing selling markets, the likelihood of selling livestock in markets with better prices, and the likelihood of purchasing and storing fodder.
Third, KAZNET information can increase the knowledge of pastoralists. We focus on price knowledge and test the effect of exposure to KAZNET on the absolute value of the difference between respondent’s reported per animal price from the price sent the week the survey was carried out, in the respective unit areas of insurance. In addition, we look at the ability or willingness to report a price by livestock type and market. Specifically, we ask respondents, “If you were to sell your [livestock type] today, what would be the selling price?”. We hypothesize that pastoralists exposed to KAZNET would negotiate better for their livestock compared to their counterparts in the control group.
Fourth, access to KAZNET information can crowd-in investment in productivity-enhancing inputs and encourage commercialization of livestock production. Further, through its influence on herd management, exposure to KAZNET is expected to reduce livestock mortality. Therefore, we test the effect of our intervention on inputs expenditure, livestock selling price, livestock mortality, and income.