An experiment on the representation effect of centipede games

Last registered on February 16, 2024


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An experiment on the representation effect of centipede games
Initial registration date
February 08, 2024

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First published
February 16, 2024, 2:10 PM EST

First published corresponds to when the trial was first made public on the Registry after being reviewed.



Primary Investigator

California Institute of Technology

Other Primary Investigator(s)

PI Affiliation
California Institute of Technology
PI Affiliation
California Institute of Technology
PI Affiliation
California Institute of Technology
PI Affiliation
National Taiwan University

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In this laboratory experiment, we aim to test the “representation effect” predicted by the dynamic cognitive hierarchy solution (Lin and Palfrey, 2022). Within the family of centipede games, the dynamic cognitive hierarchy solution predicts that players tend to end the game earlier when played according to the extensive form representation compared to the reduced normal form, while players will behave similarly when the game is played according to the extensive form representation and the non-reduced normal form. To test this prediction at the individual level, we employ a within-subject design where each player will participate in a sequence of centipede games under the non-reduced normal form, reduced normal form, and extensive form representations. Specifically, we consider two linear centipede games, two exponential centipede games, and two constant sum centipede games. The order of the representations is controlled, and the payoff parameters are chosen to maximize the informativeness of the experiment.
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Registration Citation

Hu, Shiang-Hung et al. 2024. "An experiment on the representation effect of centipede games." AEA RCT Registry. February 16.
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Experimental Details


We employ a within-subject design in which each subject plays six different centipede games under three different representations: the extensive form, reduced normal form, and non-reduced normal form. Each session of the experiment consists of three parts, with each part corresponding to one of the three representations. To mitigate the impact of feedback from repeated play, we employ the non-reduced normal form and reduced normal form representations in the first two parts (without feedback) and the extensive form representation in the third part. Lastly, to control for order effects, we consider two different orders:
• Order 1: Non-reduced normal form, reduced normal form, extensive form;
• Order 2: Reduced normal form, non-reduced normal form, extensive form.
Intervention (Hidden)
Intervention Start Date
Intervention End Date

Primary Outcomes

Primary Outcomes (end points)
1. Strategy of each subject under reduced normal form representation.
2. Strategy of each subject under non-reduced normal form representation.
3. Actions of each subject under extensive form representation.
4. End node of each pair of subjects under reduced normal form representation.
5. End node of each pair of subjects under non-reduced normal form representation.
6. End node of each pair of subjects under extensive form representation.
Primary Outcomes (explanation)

Secondary Outcomes

Secondary Outcomes (end points)
Secondary Outcomes (explanation)

Experimental Design

Experimental Design
This experiment will be conducted at the SSEL at the California Institute of Technology and the ESSL at UC Irvine. In the following sections, we will provide detailed descriptions of the selection of centipede games, the difference between the three representations, and the implementation of the experiment.

Selection of Centipede Games

The representation effect predicted by the dynamic cognitive hierarchy solution is robust across different classes of centipede games. To explore the robustness of this theoretical prediction, we consider three parameterized classes of six-move centipede games: linear centipede games, exponential centipede games, and constant sum centipede games. See the analysis plan for the game trees.

Each class of centipede games can be parameterized by a single parameter. The class of linear centipede games can be parameterized by setting the payoffs of the first and second movers to 1 and 0, respectively, when the game ends at the first node. Payoffs then increase by an amount of c>0 when the game proceeds to the next node. Similarly, the class of exponential centipede games can be parameterized by setting the payoffs of the first and second movers to p>1 and 1, respectively, when the game ends at the first node. Payoffs double when the game proceeds to the next node. Finally, the class of constant sum centipede games can be parameterized by setting the payoffs of both players to be 1 when the game ends at the first node. The smaller payoff is then multiplied by d<1 when the game proceeds to the next node, while the total payoffs remain at 2.
The selection of payoff parameters follows the optimal design approach as outlined by Lin (2023), comprising two main steps: calibration and payoff selection. Initially, we calibrate the distribution of levels by estimating the Poisson-dynamic cognitive hierarchy solution using pilot data. Subsequently, we treat this estimated distribution as the true distribution of levels and select payoff parameters to maximize the expected magnitude of the representation effect, as predicted by the dynamic cognitive hierarchy solution. Specifically, these parameters correspond to the following games: a linear game with c=0.5, an exponential game with p=2.5, and a constant sum game with d=0.8. Additionally, to establish a benchmark, we include three centipede games anticipated to yield a smaller representation effect. These consist of a linear game with c=0.8, an exponential game with p=4, and a constant sum game with d=0.4.

Extensive form, Reduced normal form, and Non-reduced normal form

Extensive form representation: When the game is played according to the extensive form representation, subjects can only make decisions when the game reaches their decision nodes. Under this representation, the centipede game begins at the first decision node, where the first mover decides to either take or pass. If the first mover takes, the game ends. Otherwise, it is the second mover’s turn to decide whether to take or pass. If the second mover passes, it is again the first mover’s turn to decide, and so on. Notice that when the game is played according to the extensive form, subjects will mechanically see their opponent’s previous decisions.

Reduced normal form representation: When the game is played according to the reduced normal form representation, subjects are asked to “simultaneously” choose a reduced contingent strategy, and the payoffs are realized as if the game were played under the extensive form. In the context of six-move centipede games, both players will simultaneously choose one of the four stopping strategies: taking at the first, second, or third chance, or always passing. The payoffs are determined by the player who takes earlier. It is worth noting that under this representation, subjects will not see their opponent’s actual decisions while making their own.

Non-reduced normal form representation: When the game is played according to the non-reduced normal form representations, subjects are asked to simultaneously choose a non-reduced contingent strategy at all their own decision nodes, regardless of whether the node is on-path or off-path. In the context of six-move centipede games, both players will simultaneously choose a contingent strategy that specifies their actions at all three decision nodes, even if they have chosen to take at an earlier node. The payoffs are determined by the player who takes earlier. Similar to the reduced normal form, under this representation, subjects will not see their opponent’s actual decisions while making their own.


At the beginning of the experiment, each subject is randomly assigned to one of the two groups, either the first mover or the second mover. The group assignment remains the same throughout the whole experiment.

The experiment consists of three parts, with each part corresponding to one of the three representations. In each part, subjects will play each of the six centipede games only once. The sequence of the games is randomized in each part. Moreover, in each game, a subject is matched with another subject from the other group who has never been matched with in this part. In other words, in each part of the experiment, a subject will not be matched with the same subject from the other group twice.

To mitigate the impact of feedback from repeated play, we employ the non-reduced normal form and reduced normal form representations in the first two parts (without feedback) and the extensive form representation in the third part. Lastly, to control for order effects, we consider two different orders:
• Order 1: Non-reduced normal form, reduced normal form, extensive form;
• Order 2: Reduced normal form, non-reduced normal form, extensive form.

At the end of the experiment, a game from each part will be randomly selected to be realized. Subjects are paid privately based on the sum of the payoffs from the chosen games.

This experimental design possesses several merits:
1. The experimental design enables us to test the representation effect predicted by the dynamic cognitive hierarchy solution by comparing the behavioral differences under three different representations.
2. This experimental design allows us to isolate the potential order effect between the reduced normal form and non-reduced normal form representations by incorporating two different orders in the first two parts.
3. This experimental design minimizes the confounding effect of learning across representations by placing the non-reduced normal form and the reduced normal form without feedback in the first two parts and placing the extensive form representation in the last part.
4. The implementation of different orders of representations allows us to examine whether the order of reduced and non-reduced normal form will affect the behavior under the extensive form representation.
In summary, these design features provide a comprehensive exploration of the representation effect and the order effect in our experiment.
Experimental Design Details
Randomization Method
All randomization in this experiment will be done by the computer program.
Randomization Unit
1. At the beginning of the experiment, the computer program will randomly assign each player to either the red group (the first mover) or the blue group (the second mover).
2. In each representation, the computer program will randomize the sequence of our 6 games.
3. In each game, a subject will be randomly paired with another participant from the other group.
4. In each representation, a subject will only be matched with the same subject once.
Was the treatment clustered?

Experiment Characteristics

Sample size: planned number of clusters
We will run 14 experimental sessions.
Sample size: planned number of observations
We plan to recruit 168 subjects.
Sample size (or number of clusters) by treatment arms
In our experimental sessions, we consider two different orders. In order 1, we have 84 subjects; in order 2, we have 84 subjects.
Minimum detectable effect size for main outcomes (accounting for sample design and clustering)
Since the Mann-Whitney test has greater power than the Fisher exact test and KS test, which are used to check the representation effect in Garc ́ıa-Pola et al. (2020), we should have enough power to detect the representation effect with a comparable sample size. Given that Garc ́ıa-Pola et al. (2020) recruited 151 subjects for cold treatment, we plan to recruit 168 subjects to ensure adequate power.

Institutional Review Boards (IRBs)

IRB Name
Research Ethics Committee
IRB Approval Date
IRB Approval Number
IRB Name
Committee for the Protection of Human Subjects
IRB Approval Date
IRB Approval Number
Analysis Plan

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