The treatment and control arms both receive a lengthy standard MaineCare packet that includes information regarding the Primary Care Case Management program. This is all the control group ever receives. In addition to the standard enrollment packet, the treatment arm also receives a simplified mailer approximately 7 days (depending on whether 7 days following the initial enrollment packet mail date falls on a weekend) that contains the following text:
“Dear <CH FName>,
<FName LName> is enrolled in MaineCare with a program that helps manage your health care needs. Developing a relationship with a Primary Care Provider (PCP) is a step toward better health. You have been assigned to the PCP below.
<Provider Name>
<Practice Name>
<Physical Address>
What do I do next?
If this is the PCP you want to see, call them today about an appointment.
• There should be no cost, unless you have a copay
• Your PCP will get to know you and your medical history
• Bring your MaineCare card to all appointments
If this isn’t your PCP or you would like to choose a different PCP, do one of the following by <Month DD, YYYY>:
• Write the name on the enclosed response card and mail it back to us
• Email
[email protected]
• Call 1-800-977-6740. TTY users dial 711 for Maine Relay
How can my PCP help me?
• Manage all your healthcare needs
• Provide preventive care, such as tests and immunizations, to help keep you well
• Refer you (give you the OK) to see another doctor or specialist for services your PCP doesn’t provide
• Available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day to ask urgent questions about your health needs
o If the PCP can’t see you right away, you can go to an urgent care center
o If you have an emergency, you can go to the emergency department
What if I want more information?
• For more information, call MaineCare Member Services at 1-800-977-6740. TTY users dial 711 for Maine Relay. Office hours are Monday - Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
• For information about MaineCare or PCCM, go to the MaineCare Member Handbook at “
Approximately 14 days after the initial enrollment packet was mailed, members are sent an additional reminder with the name and contact information of the PCP, an advisory to “check with your PCP today.” They are also reminded that they may opt to see a different PCP if they contact MaineCare via email, phone, or via the mailback card. Below is the text of the 14-day reminder:
“Dear <CH FName>,
<FName LName> has health insurance with MaineCare. Connecting with a primary care provider (PCP) is the next step to keeping you healthy!
It’s time to call your PCP about an appointment:
<Provider Name>
<Practice Name>
<Physical Address>
Check with your PCP today. You may be able to see them from the comfort of your own home.
If this isn’t your PCP or you would like to choose a different PCP, do one of the following by <Month DD, YYYY>:
• Write the name on the enclosed response card and mail it back to us
• Email
[email protected]
• Call 1-800-977-6740. TTY users dial 711 for Maine Relay”