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Last Published April 02, 2024 01:10 PM April 29, 2024 10:00 AM
Intervention (Public) There are two information videos used in the experiment: the ``malaria'' video, which provides information about malaria in children and the new vaccine, and the ``IDS'' or infant-directed speech video, which is an active control video\footnote{The videos in different languages were developed and made publicly available by \citet{dupas2023informing}, to whom we are deeply grateful for their permission to re-use the content in this study.}. The ``malaria'' video covers information such as malaria mortality and morbidity figures, including the burden in Ghana; effects of malaria on the community; the benefits of the vaccine; and other malaria prevention strategies. The video is an animation voiced over in several languages by local actors to ensure each participant receives the content in the vernacular. The control ``IDS'' video is very similar in format, design style and duration, and is likewise translated for each region. The only difference is in content: the video explains that talking to babies from a young age helps them develop cognitively, provides practical examples of how to fit IDS into your life, and how to engage others in the household in talking to the baby.
Intervention End Date April 05, 2024 April 10, 2024
Primary Outcomes (End Points) 1. Attention to information measured through a summary index of video recall. 2. Malaria and malaria vaccine knowledge measured through a summary index of a battery of 5 questions. 3. Support for malaria vaccine, measured through a summary index of vaccine endorsement, demand for further information about the vaccine, and intention to vaccinate child if eligible in the future. 1. Attention to information measured through a summary index of video recall and knowledge recall. 2. Malaria vaccine efficacy beliefs measured as a likelihood out of 10. 3. Intention to vaccinate own children, if eligible in the future.
Primary Outcomes (Explanation) 1. For the measure of the level of attention paid to the info video, we ask the respondent to recall five details regarding the video they just watched. The focus of the questions is on the production and story side of the video, such as the characters (e.g., ``what was the colour of the baby's dress?'') and the background (e.g., ``was it raining when...''), rather than the information content. 2. We will summarise the participants' knowledge across five domains covered by the info video. The questions vary in difficulty in order to provide a meaningful measure of knowledge and differential learning between respondents. 3. As the vaccine is not yet available everywhere in Ghana, we are unable to offer the vaccine to the participants’ children. Therefore, we capture a range of measures which reveal interest and support for the vaccine. We capture the following revealed measures of support: endorsement (two methods - lieklihood of recommending to others, and being willing to share the malaria information with own contacts); demand for further information (two methods - willingness to receive updates about the vaccine over SMS, sometimes at a fee; and the duration of asking and number of questions asked when offered the chance to inquire further about the malaria vaccine); and intention to vaccinate own child if eligible, elicited using a list experiment. 1. For the measure of the level of attention paid to the info video, we ask the respondent to recall five details regarding the video they just watched. The focus of the questions is on the production and story side of the video, such as the characters (e.g., ``what was the colour of the baby's dress?'') and the background (e.g., ``was it raining when...''), rather than the information content. For the knowledge recall, we will summarise the participants' knowledge across five domains covered by the info video. The questions vary in difficulty in order to provide a meaningful measure of knowledge and differential learning between respondents. 2. We elicit posterior beliefs about own child's malaria risk 1) without any preventative measures, 2) in a scenario where the child sleeps under a bed net every night, 3) in a scenario where the child had been given the malaria vaccine. We ask participants to consider the likelihood out of 10 that the child will get malaria in each of the scenarios. 3. Intention to vaccinate own child if eligible, elicited using a list experiment.
Experimental Design (Public) Participants who consent to take part in the study will be randomly assigned to one of 3 intervention arms: 1. Placebo arm: participants passively (i.e., with no choice of video offered) watch a placebo information video about an unrelated topic on child care. The video is very similar in design to the malaria video but delivers none of the information. This arm consists of 500 participants. 2. Passive treatment: participants passively watch the intervention video. This arm consists of 500 participants. 3. Offered a choice: participants are asked for their preference between the placebo and the intervention videos. They learn that their choice is more likely to be shown, though it is still randomised by the survey device. There are 1,400 participants in this arm. A second randomisation then takes place, assigning participants to either their choice video or not. This creates four further intervention arms: 3.1 Those who wanted to view the intervention video and are shown it ("keen" viewers) 3.2 Those who wanted to view the placebo video but are shown the intervention video ("forced" viewers) 3.3 Those who wanted to view the placebo video and are shown it 3.4 Those who wanted to view the intervention video but are shown the placebo video The final sizes of arms 3.1-3.4 will be determined in part by the participant's choices; we will allocate 90% of those who preferred to view the malaria video to indeed view the malaria video (3.1) and 80% of those who preferred to view the placebo video to instead view the malaria video (3.2). Participants who consent to take part in the study will be randomly assigned to one of 3 intervention arms: 1. Placebo arm: participants passively (i.e., with no choice of video offered) watch a placebo information video about an unrelated topic on child care. The video is very similar in design to the malaria video but delivers none of the information. This arm consists of 560 participants. 2. Passive treatment: participants passively watch the intervention video. This arm consists of 564 participants. 3. Offered a choice: participants are asked for their preference between the placebo and the intervention videos. They learn that their choice is more likely to be shown, though it is still randomised by the survey device. There are 1,654 participants in this arm. A second randomisation then takes place, assigning participants to either their choice video or not. This creates four further intervention arms: 3.1 Those who wanted to view the intervention video and are shown it ("chosen" viewers) - 558 participants 3.2 Those who wanted to view the placebo video but are shown the intervention video ("forced" viewers) - 824 participants 3.3 Those who wanted to view the placebo video and are shown it - excluded from analysis, 203 participants 3.4 Those who wanted to view the intervention video but are shown the placebo video - excluded from analysis, 69 participants
Planned Number of Observations 2,400 individuals 2,506 individuals
Sample size (or number of clusters) by treatment arms 1. Placebo arm: 500. 2. Passive treatment: 500. 3. Offered a choice: 1,400. 3.1: 1,400 * % prefer malaria video * 0.9 3.2: 1,400 * % prefer placebo video * 0.8 3.3: 1,400 * % prefer placebo video * 0.2 3.4: 1,400 * % prefer malaria video * 0.1 1. Placebo arm: 560. 2. Passive watch: 564. 3. Chosen watch: 558. 4. Forced watch: 824.
Secondary Outcomes (End Points) 1. Endorsement of the malaria vaccine 2. Demand for further information about the vaccine
Secondary Outcomes (Explanation) As the vaccine is not yet available everywhere in Ghana, we are unable to offer the vaccine to the participants’ children. Therefore, we capture a range of measures which reveal interest and support for the vaccine. We capture the following revealed measures of support: endorsement (two methods - lieklihood of recommending to others, and being willing to share the malaria information with own contacts) and demand for further information (two methods - decision to receive updates about the vaccine over SMS and asking more questions about the vaccine and malaria when offered the chance to inquire further.
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Partner Name Innovations for Poverty Action (Ghana)
Partner Type ngo
Partner Website (URL)
Public Yes
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Sponsor Name The Mercury Project, Social Science Research Council
Sponsor Location USA
Sponsor Website (URL)
Public Yes
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