The Value of Rating Systems in Credence Goods Markets

Last registered on November 18, 2023


Trial Information

General Information

The Value of Rating Systems in Credence Goods Markets
Initial registration date
November 09, 2023

Initial registration date is when the trial was registered.

It corresponds to when the registration was submitted to the Registry to be reviewed for publication.

First published
November 18, 2023, 5:50 PM EST

First published corresponds to when the trial was first made public on the Registry after being reviewed.



Primary Investigator

Technical University of Munich, School of Management

Other Primary Investigator(s)

PI Affiliation
University of Innsbruck
PI Affiliation
ESCP Business School
PI Affiliation
UMIT Tirol
PI Affiliation
ETH Zürich

Additional Trial Information

In development
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Secondary IDs
Prior work
This trial does not extend or rely on any prior RCTs.
In this project, we replicate the four main treatments in Angerer et al. (2022) using a neutral frame (instead of a healthcare frame).

We experimentally investigate the effect of public consumer ratings on market outcomes in credence goods markets. Contrary to search or experience goods, consumers cannot evaluate all dimensions of trade for credence goods, which may inhibit the information and reputation-building value of public rating systems. We implement a expert market in which experts have an informational advantage over consumers with respect to the apppropriate treatment. The rating system takes the form of a five-star rating system as is common on online rating websites. The value of this rating system is compared in two different expert market settings: First, one in which consumers cannot rely on information from personal experience with the expert, reflecting markets in which consumer-expert interactions are often first-time and infrequent. Second, one in which consumers have personal experience with the expert, reflecting markets in which consumer-expert interactions are frequent and repeated.

Angerer, S., Glätzle-Rützler, D., Mimra, W., Rittmannsberger, T., & Waibel, C. (2022). The value of rating systems in healthcare credence goods markets. Available at SSRN. 3965318
External Link(s)

Registration Citation

Angerer, Silvia et al. 2023. "The Value of Rating Systems in Credence Goods Markets." AEA RCT Registry. November 18.
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Experimental Details


We replicate the four main treatments in Angerer et al. (2022) with a neutral frame.
We employ a 2x2 factorial design to experimentally investigate the effect of a public rating system in two different expert markets: A market in which consumers can rely on their personal experience, and one in which they cannot. These two different market environments are implemented in the experiment as follows:

In the conditions without personal experience, in each period consumers choose one expert from a list of four without being able to identify them. All players are informed beforehand that consumers have no means of identifying experts from previous periods. Thus, although consumers observe their payoffs in each period and can partially infer expert behavior, they cannot attribute it to a particular expert and therefore cannot build up personal experience with a particular expert. In experimental conditions with personal experience, consumers can identify experts by a fixed ID and decide whether to interact with a particular identified expert. Over the 16 periods of play, they can thus learn from their personal experience (payoffs) with a particular identified expert.

In the conditions with the public rating system, consumers can choose to rate interactions with experts on a five-star rating scale after receiving their payoff in a given period. This rating is shown to the respective expert at the end of the period. Subsequently, ratings for each expert over all treated consumers are aggregated, averaged, and displayed to consumers. Consumers see these public ratings for all experts when they decide whether to interact and which expert to choose starting in period 5. In the condition without personal experience, as highlighted before, consumers cannot identify a particular expert and only see the public ratings. The public ratings of all experts are displayed to experts when they decide on the type of treatment and which price to charge in a given period.
In total, we run four experimental conditions: BASELINE (no experience, no rating), EXPERIENCE (experience, no rating), RATING (no experience, rating), EXP-RATING (experience, rating).

Angerer, S., Glätzle-Rützler, D., Mimra, W., Rittmannsberger, T., & Waibel, C. (2022). The value of rating systems in healthcare credence goods markets. Available at SSRN. 3965318
Intervention Start Date
Intervention End Date

Primary Outcomes

Primary Outcomes (end points)
Undertreatment, and overcharging-rates
Primary Outcomes (explanation)
Undertreatment is defined as the consumer needing the major treatment q_H but the expert providing the minor treatment q_L. An expert might have incentives to do so since the costs for the major treatment are higher (6 ECU versus 2 ECU) and the expert can always charge the price of the major treatment (8 ECU). In the results section, undertreatment will be reported in percent of expert-consumer interactions in which consumers need the major treatment. In terms of information, consumers can detect undertreatment in a period ex-post via their payoff, as the problem is not solved. In particular, if the expert charged p_H, the consumer payoff from undertreatment is -8 ECU

Overcharging is defined as the expert charging the price of the major treatment p_H while only providing the minor treatment to a consumer who has a minor problem. Overcharging is accordingly reported in percent of expert-consumer interactions in which consumers need minor treatment. In terms of information, consumers cannot infer ex post whether they have been overcharged, as they might have had a major problem requiring the major treatment charged at p_H. Thus, an expert can 'hide' behind a major treatment problem when overcharging.

Secondary Outcomes

Secondary Outcomes (end points)
Consumer outcomes: Interactin rates, giving feedback, and rating.
Market outcomes: Market efficiency and consumer surplus.
Secondary Outcomes (explanation)
On the consumer side, we record whether they choose to interact, and in the rating conditions whether they choose to provide a rating (captured by the variable feedback) and what the rating is (captured by variable rating).

We use two measures of market outcomes, overall market efficiency and consumer surplus. Market efficiency is driven by interaction (allowing surplus generation) and whether there is undertreatment, as undertreatment does not generate consumer value. Given our parametrization, we expect high levels of interactions, such that market efficiency is primarily determined by undertreatment. We normalize market efficiency, with 0% for no interaction and 100% for an interaction with the correct treatment.

Consumer surplus incorporates the prices paid by consumers and is thereby influenced by overcharging, which is not the case for market efficiency. Consumer surplus is reported in absolute value.

Experimental Design

Experimental Design
We plan to use a student sample from the University of Innsbruck and run each experimental condition with 48 subjects (as suggested by our power analysis). Therefore, we plan to run two sessions with 24 subjects each in every experimental condition. All sessions are run computerized using z-Tree and students are recruited using hroot. Participants do not know which experiment they are going to participate in when they register. They only receive information about the expected duration of the experiment (1:45h).
Our experiment is structured as follows for all our conditions:

Stage 1: The experimenter explains the experiment and participants read the instructions.
Stage 2: Participants answer several control questions to ensure they understood the game.
Stage 3: The computer randomly assigns roles and markets to participants.
Stage 4: Participants play the game for 16 periods.
Stage 5: Participants participate in additional games: an individual risk preference task, a dictator game, a lying task, and a trust game.
Stage 6: Participants fill out a questionnaire.
Experimental Design Details
Randomization Method
Randomization is carried out in the experiment by a computer.
Randomization Unit
at the session level
Was the treatment clustered?

Experiment Characteristics

Sample size: planned number of clusters
6 clusters á 8 individuals per experimental condition.
Sample size: planned number of observations
48 (6 x 8) individuals per experimental condition
Sample size (or number of clusters) by treatment arms
192 (4 x 48) individuals (students at the University of Innsbruck).
Minimum detectable effect size for main outcomes (accounting for sample design and clustering)
Based on previous findings, we performed a power calculation, indicating that we need six clusters á 8 subjects per experimental condition when aiming for a power of 80%.
Supporting Documents and Materials


Document Name
The Value of Rating Systems in Healthcare Credence Goods Markets
Document Type
Document Description
Original Manuscript with health frame.
The Value of Rating Systems in Healthcare Credence Goods Markets

MD5: ce0b534262f4a3aa04c19c3f6e22fee3

SHA1: 0c8c5c3d158a408d07c9243bb4f2cb528206717c

Uploaded At: November 09, 2023


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IRB Name
Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck, Certificate of good standing.
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