Experimental Design
First, we run a standard attention check. Then, each respondent is presented with 3 MP profiles. Each MP is randomly assigned the following characteristics: gender (male/female), marital status (single/married), party (center-left (SPD), conservative-right (CDU/CSU), liberal (FDP), green (Grüne) or left-wing (Die Linke), tenure in parliament (1,2, 3 or more legislative periods), mandate (directly elected or elected via party list), and published outside activities (no activities, lawyer, self-employed/entrepreneur, member of supervisory or advisory board, and speeches/journalistic work) and respective earnings (no earnings, earnings between 1,000-3,500 EUR, 3,500-7,000 EUR and 7,000 EUR and more). The ordering of the characteristics is randomized for each respondent. We are primarily interested in the effect of the published outside earnings and activities on voters’ preferences.