Intervention (Hidden)
First, I will purchase access to 1,000 candidates from ZipRecruiter with paralegal relevant experience in the greater Leesburg area. When I say “access”, I mean access to a copy of their resume and their email. Second, I will randomly assign (and send) one of two recruiting emails to this group of candidates as provided below:
Control condition:
Dear [Name of Candidate],
I hope all is well with you. My name is Derek Lief and I found your profile on ZipRecruiter. Based on your credentials, I would like to invite you to apply to be a Paralegal at Simms Showers LLP.
I think you will be interested to know that at Simms Showers, we strive to put our clients above all else.
To learn more about us and apply for this position, please clink the following link to the job posting: Paralegal Job.
Talent Acquisition Specialist
Treatment condition:
Dear [Name of Candidate],
I hope all is well with you. My name is Derek Lief and I found your profile on ZipRecruiter. Based on your credentials, I would like to invite you to apply to be a Paralegal at Simms Showers LLP.
I think you will be interested to know that at Simms Showers, we strive to integrate our faith into the practice of law and put our clients above all else.
To learn more about us and apply for this position, please clink the following link to the job posting: Paralegal Job.
Talent Acquisition Specialist
In the embedded link, candidates are directed to an online form where they can apply for the job by: uploading their resume, entering their first name, last name, current address, email address, phone number, preferred start date and preferred salary.
I note that approximately two weeks after I send out my initial recruiting email, I will re-contact applicants (to both the religious and control condition) offering a lottery of: three $100 first place prizes, three second place prizes of $50 and three third places prizes of $25 to answer the 4 survey statements as detailed below. The lottery winners will receive their payouts via gift card. The email will read:
Dear [Name of Candidate],
Previously you received an email for a position as a Paralegal with Simms Showers LLP. We are interested in learning more about applicants to our company. As such, we would greatly appreciate you selecting below an option that corresponds to how true each one of the four statements in the survey link below is for you. This should take no more than three minutes.
In return for your taking the time to fill out this survey, we will enter your name into a lottery in which three people will receive the first-place prize of $100, three people will receive the second-place prize of $50 and three people will receive the third-place prize of $25. All prizes will be distributed via email in the form of gift cards.
To be considered for this lottery, you must fill out this survey within seven days of receiving this email. If you win the lottery, you will receive your gift card within fourteen days of this email. Thank you and good luck!
Talent Acquisition Specialist
SURVEY STATEMENTS (4 measured on a 7-point likert-type scale with anchors of 1 (disagree strongly) to 7 (agree strongly)):
An introductory question will ask: “why are you motivated to do your work?”
The survey will then contain four items as follows:
1. Because I care about benefiting others through my work
2. Because I want to help others through my work
3. Because I want to have a positive impact on others
4. Because it is important to me to do good for others through my work