Secondary Outcomes (explanation)
For reasons behind continued negotiation recommendation, if the respondent says no we will use the following options: "Attempt to negotiate with this candidate to reach closer to the initially offered salary.", "Explore negotiating with this candidate by offering non-salary benefits but maintaining our initial offer.", and "Reject this application." The perceived likelihood of acceptance of the offer will be measured with a categorical variable on a 4-point scale. We will use a text box for other comments about the candidate. For the follow-up survey, to measure their opinion about the information contained by salary asks, we will ask how informative they think the candidates' counteroffers are regarding their current salaries, outside options and personalities. To measure their opinion about salary ask when made outside the pay range, we will offer the choice between: "Fear of wider re-negotiations among employees or the necessity of offering higher salaries to future candidates", "Considerations of fairness to other candidates regarding exceptions to the salary range", "Concerns about potential legal consequences for making exceptions.", "None of the above", "Other".
To measure gender norms, we will measure the frequency of female candidates mentioned among the top three selections, adjusted for the total number of high-quality female candidates (i.e., the number of candidate profiles with female names ranked in the top six biographies, as rated by all participants) included in the recruiter’s evaluation packet. We will also collect information about recruiters’ beliefs regarding the frequency of counteroffers, in particular for female candidates.