We aim to scale up a management programme that has shown large and significant causal effects on pupils' learning and the productivity and management of the schools. This programme is called the Science and Management for Education Programme (SMEP) and was the treatment arm of a previous field RCT conducted in 2022 and 2023. The previous experiment had an experimental sample of 80 schools (31,700 pupils) randomly selected from the Rio de Janeiro schools population, of which 40 were randomly assigned to treatment. This time, we will randomly assign 120 schools (48,000 pupils) from the Rio de Janeiro population of 913 schools (the 80 schools that participated in the previous RCT were excluded) to treatment. Based on the Agile management project approach, the programme delivers the best management practices to schools through one-to-one coaching sessions and on-the-job training with school managers. The treatment does not change any existing systems or personnel. The programme will be delivered by a team of public servants from the Secretary of Education of Rio de Janeiro (SMERJ) and the Court of Accounts of Rio de Janeiro (TCMRio).