We aim to investigate the effect of notifying individuals who are eligible for but not receiving a welfare benefit about their entitlement through targeted letters. These letters will be sent to low-income pensioners who are entitled to Pension Credit (PC), the UK's key safety net benefit for pensioners. The letters will vary in their content:
a) A basic letter, informing pensioners about PC, how much they are entitled to, and how to claim
b) A letter like (a) which also attempts to reduce stigma by emphasising that most eligible people claim
c) A letter like (a) except with branding from AgeUK, a highly trusted third party, rather than the borough, who may not be trusted
d) A letter like (a) which also emphasises that PC is private, so friends and family will not know the claimant gets it
Eligible non-claimants of PC will be identified using administrative benefits data.
We will randomly assign eligible non-claimants to receive these letters, and will investigate the impact of different letters on claiming PC, poverty rates, council tax arrears, and social rent arrears.