The gender gap in STEM careers, particularly in engineering, is wide and persistent. Youths and their parents tend to consider engineering as a predominantly male domain, contributing to the perpetuation of gender disparities. A number of recent studies have tried to dismantle these stereotypes by exposing high school students to role models and by providing information on desirable career prospects linked to the major. We add to this literature by conducting a role model-based information campaign, through a randomized controlled trial (RCT), targeting final year high school students in Peru. In contrast to previous studies, our program uses Instagram, a widely-used social platform among adolescents. Additionally, we address a crucial aspect of youths' study and career choices—the influence of teachers. In one treatment arm, we introduce an information program aimed at head teachers. This program comprises short videos featuring three local engineering professors (including two women), delivered to them via WhatsApp. By leveraging Instagram and engaging teachers, our interventions seek to challenge stereotypes and broaden the perspective of high school students regarding engineering as a viable and inclusive career option for women.