Primary Outcomes (end points)
Our primary endpoints are divided into four categories: initial reaction (e.g., email opened), participation in early-stage innovative activities (e.g., learning about the patent submission process through website, attending an IP training, attending a brainstorming session, requesting a meeting with a patent team member, reaching out on Slack, meeting with a patent ambassador (limited to offices with patent ambassadors), sought advice on an inventive idea (only survey), worked on projects likely to yield patentable inventions (only survey)), involvement in later-stage invention activities (e.g., submission of an inventive idea, that idea being filed as a patent application, that idea being abandoned, that idea receiving other IP protection, and the size of the team submitting the idea), and perceptions of self and workplace (e.g., identifying as an inventor, desire to work on tasks leading to being a named inventor, the extent to which teamwork and collaboration are part of the culture and norms are developed around it).