Minimum detectable effect size for main outcomes (accounting for sample
design and clustering)
Regarding the school-level outcome, when the number of schools is respectively 75 in the treatment and the control groups, the minimum detectable effect (MDE) for the continuous variables is 0.46 standard deviations (sd.) (alpha=0.05, two-sided, and beta=0.8), and the MDE for the percentage change is 22 percentage points (alpha=0.05, two-sided, beta=0.8, the percentage points in the control group=50%). With regard to the outcomes for parents and the local community member, the MDE for continuous variable is 0.25 sd. (alpha=0.05, beta=0.8, intra-cluster correlation coefficient=0.3, and two-sided), and the MDE for the percentage change is 13.2 percentage points (alpha=0.05, two-sided, beta=0.8, intra-cluster correlation coefficient=0.3, the percentage points in the control group=50%). For the list experiment for the parents and the local community members, the MDE is 14 percentage points.