The Young Women Empowerment Program (YEP) is a mentoring programme that targets female university students enrolled in the last two years of a STEM or Economics degree in the main universities of Southern Italy. Students participating in YEP, the mentees, are paired with more experienced professionals, the mentors. The mentors are women managers working in large Italian companies and come from different backgrounds (e.g., Economics, Engineering, Maths, etc.) mirroring the heterogeneity of degrees in which the mentees are enrolled. The objective of the programme is to provide participant students with the necessary tools to make informed academic and professional choices and facilitate the school-to-work transition. During the programme, the mentors and mentees meet monthly over a six-month period. To make the programme as flexible as possible, these meetings can take place either in person or remotely, at a time that is convenient for the dyad (or the group) mentor-mentee(s). The meetings are intentionally non-structured, allowing discussion of topics that are identified as relevant by mentors and mentees and permitting mentees to ask questions, share doubts, and learn from their mentor’s experiences.