Experimental Design
The training will be provided in monthly batches starting between June 2023 - May 2024 (approximately) with the aim of getting baseline data for approximately 1600 female respondents aged 18-40 with approximately 600 from Delhi and 1000 from Bangalore (the exact number can vary depending on allocation of batches across the two cities based on funding available with the implementation partner). We will randomize our intervention at the individual level in each batch. To recruit the trainees, our skilling partner will advertise through various channels and through their alumni network about training opportunities. Interested individuals would fill out a basic form that records age, education, marital status, religion, caste, address and phone number. Thereafter, within each training batch registered individuals will be randomly split into three groups: technical skills training, technical and digital skills training, or control (no training). We expect to mobilize approximately 40 women in each training batch. Of these, 30 will be offered training and the remaining will form a part of the control group. Further, out of those invited for training, half will be offered only the vocational training component and another half will be offered both vocational and digital skills training.
The randomized treatment groups will be as follows:
1) T1 – we offer only vocational training in beauty which includes classroom training for 189 hours (2 months) and On-Job-Training (OJT) (3 months) – approximately 600 women.
2) T2 – we offer both vocational training in beauty which includes classroom training for 189 hours (2 months), OJT (3 months) and Project-Based Experiential Learning (PBEL) that incorporates digital skills as the most important component along with communication, organizational and management skills, and basic financial literacy for 76 hours before the OJT – approximately 600 women.
3) Control group in which we do not offer to enroll the respondents for the training program – approximately 400 women
We provide a vocational training program in the beauty sector which includes classroom and on-the-job training components. In another treatment, along with the hard skills, we additionally provide Project-Based Experiential Learning (PBEL) that incorporates digital skills as the most important component along with communication, organizational and management skills, and basic financial literacy. The training will be provided in collaboration with our skilling partner. Our skill training partner provides work-integrated job training to informal sector workers across sectors like manufacturing, construction, leather, beauty, data entry, tailoring, among others, across the country. We will conduct our study across 4-5 centers in Bangalore and 2-3 centers in Delhi of our partner organization.
To measure the change in the employment status and nature of work by the respondent we will conduct primarily two detailed surveys: baseline survey (before the training begins) and an endline survey, approximately 10 months after the batch in which they were mobilized begins. In both baseline and the follow-up survey, we will collect information about their employment and earnings in the last 3 months prior to the survey.