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Last Published April 02, 2024 12:51 PM April 03, 2024 01:01 PM
Primary Outcomes (End Points) 1) Job take-up on the worker side 2) Acceptance of contract by firms 3) Worker productivity at the work site 4) Worker-firm disagreements. 5) Type of worker and take-up of jobs by different types of worker 6) Type of firm and acceptance of offers by different types of firms 1) Job take-up on the worker side 2) Probability of acceptance of contract by firms
Primary Outcomes (Explanation) We will construct the worker type variable in two ways 1) Workers who work on fixed work contracts will be classified as high types as these contracts are highly valued 2) Workers who earned earned higher average income in the days before the survey will be classified as high type Firms will be classified as large if they have higher number of construction sites/labour working under them. We will construct the worker type variable in two ways 1) Workers who work on fixed work contracts will be classified as high types as these contracts are highly valued 2) Workers who earned earned higher average income in the days before the survey will be classified as high type Firms will be classified as large if they have higher number of construction sites/labour working under them. Firms which are managed by former masons might be considered as small.
Experimental Design (Public) The workers are cross-randomized into treatments which offer a 7 day vs a 3 day job, with or without insurance against wage theft, and with or without back-loading of wages. The firms are cross-randomized into treatments which offer compensation against work separation or not, credit to pay workers or not, and with or without back-loading of wages. Firms and workers which accept the contracts are matched with each other. The workers are cross-randomized into treatments which offer a job, with or without insurance against wage theft, and with or without back-loading of wages. The firms are cross-randomized into treatments which offer compensation against worker separation or not, credit to pay workers or not, and with or without back-loading of wages. Firms and workers which accept the contracts are matched with each other.
Sample size (or number of clusters) by treatment arms Workers 1) Daily payment*uninsured* 3 day contracts: 7.5% 2) Daily payment*uninsured* 7 day contracts: 7.5% 3) Steep Back-loaded* uninsured * 3 day contracts: 7.5% 4) Steep Back-loaded* uninsured * 7 day contracts: 7.5% 5) Smooth Back-loaded* uninsured * 3 day contracts: 10% 6) Smooth Back-loaded* uninsured * 7 day contracts: 10% 7) Steep Back-loaded* insured * 3 day contracts: 10% 8) Steep Back-loaded* insured * 7 day contracts: 10% 9) Smooth Back-loaded* insured * 3 day contracts: 10% 10) Smooth Back-loaded* insured * 7 day contracts: 10% 11) Daily payment*insured* 3 day contracts: 2.5% 12) Daily payment*insured* 7 day contracts: 2.5% Firms: 1) Daily wage*no credit * no guarantor: 10% 2) Smooth Back-loaded * no credit * no guarantor: 7.5% 3) Steep Back-loaded * no credit * no guarantor: 7.5% 4) Daily wage*credit * no guarantor: 10% 5) Smooth Back-loaded * credit * no guarantor: 10% 6) Steep Back-loaded * credit * no guarantor: 7.5% 7) Daily wage*no credit * guarantor: 10% 8) Smooth Back-loaded * no credit * guarantor: 10% 9) Steep Back-loaded * no credit * guarantor: 7.5% 10) Daily wage*credit * guarantor: 7.5% 11) Smooth Back-loaded * credit * guarantor: 7.5% 12) Steep Back-loaded * credit * guarantor: 5% Workers For the first 600-800 workers we will use the following sample size 1) Daily payment*uninsured* 3 day contracts: 15% 2) Steep Back-loaded* uninsured * 3 day contracts: 15% 3) Smooth Back-loaded* uninsured * 3 day contracts: 25% 4) Steep Back-loaded* insured * 3 day contracts: 20% 5) Smooth Back-loaded* insured * 3 day contracts: 20% 6) Daily payment*insured* 3 day contracts: 5% For the next 1200-1400 sample we will divide the sample between the 3 and 7 day contracts such as the overall sample has ratio 60:40. The break up of 3 day contracts will be the same as above and the breakup of 7 day contract sample is below: 1) Daily payment*uninsured* 7 day contracts: 15% 2) Steep Back-loaded* uninsured * 7 day contracts: 15% 3) Smooth Back-loaded* uninsured * 7 day contracts: 25% 4) Steep Back-loaded* insured * 7 day contracts: 20% 5) Smooth Back-loaded* insured * 7 day contracts: 20% 6) Daily payment*insured* 7 day contracts: 5% Firms: For the first 60-100 firms the sample will be divided as: 1) Daily wage*no credit * no guarantor: 15% 2) Steep Back-loaded * no credit * no guarantor: 15% 3) Daily wage*credit * no guarantor: 15% 4) Steep Back-loaded * credit * no guarantor: 15% 5) Daily wage*no credit * guarantor: 15% 6) Steep Back-loaded * no credit * guarantor: 15% 7) Daily wage*credit * guarantor: 5% 8) Steep Back-loaded * credit * guarantor: 5% In the remaining sample of firms we will add smooth back-loaded contract as an additional treatment. We might cross-randomize this sample with the type of worker (low or high) type.
Secondary Outcomes (End Points) 1) Type of worker and take-up of jobs by different types of worker 2) Type of firm and acceptance of offers by different types of firms 3) Worker productivity at the work site 4) Worker-firm disagreements.
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