Primary Outcomes (end points)
Quantity and quality of production (small and big bags) measured each day of the intervention, controlling for lead-in individual productivity
In a holdout survey with individuals who are not part of the main study, we will measure the behaviors and beliefs of Hindus and Muslims through the following games:
1. (Mis)-reporting the no. of heads in a private coin-toss where each head earns you money (dishonest behavior/ lying)
2.Giving to religious outgroup in a Dictator game (altruism)
3. Movie choice (romantic comedy versus horror) to measure timidness
4. Use of hand sanitizer to measure sanitary practices
5. Lottery game (choice over lottery versus sure payment) to measure risk aversion
6. Self-reported religious versus Indian identity (as well as through choice over bags with religiously distinctive colors versus national flag colors)
7. Self-reported desired number of children (to get at stereotypes around the threat of a growing outgroup population)
8. At the endline, we will incentivize treatment and control participants to correctly predict the behavior of the holdout survey participants to assess how treatment affects generalized belief updating (i.e. updating about people not met) on these dimensions. For some of the questions, we will ask treatment participants to make predictions about their partners at the factory (whereas control participants will also be asked to make predictions about those who worked at the factory for all 9 days) to benchmark effects.
Beyond the outcomes mentioned above, we will also elicit beliefs about the productivity of ingroup and outgroup members after the 3-days of lead in and then again at endline.
Dictator giving to outgroup individual
Self-report whether more attached to being an Indian vs. being a Hindu/Muslim
– Last names of five closest friends (to be coded as Muslim- vs. Hindu-sounding)
– Willingness to work in the future with stranger from outgroup (incentivized)
[NOTE: At the time of submitting this trial registration 14 people had completed the endline survey, but no data had been accessed by any of the research team.]
UPDATE [19th August, 2024]: WHATSAPP MEASURE
More than a month and a half after the intervention concludes, we will send WhatsApp messages to study participants from enumerators associated with the survey firm who have distinctively Hindu and Muslim names. Hindu subjects will receive a message from a Muslim enumerator and Muslim subjects will receive a message from a Hindu enumerator. The messages will inquire about the participants' well-being and that of their families. The outcome be whether or not participants provided a polite response to the message. This will serve as a behavioral measure of civility towards the outgroup.