Experimental Design Details
To collect investors’ recall of past experiences in the stock market and their expectations of the future performances of the market and one’s own portfolio, our study surveys retail investors in China.
Our survey contains four blocks, free recall block, probed recall block, the expectation block, and the demographical information block. The free recall block asks investors to recall an episode that first comes to their mind when they think about stock market movements in the past. The probed recall block asks investors to recall their own returns in the stock market in the past one day, one month, one year or five years. Respondents’ answers in these two blocks will be used to construct measures of their recall of past stock investment experiences. In the expectation block, we elicit two types of expectations, one about future market returns and one about future own returns. Respondents’ answers in this block will be used to construct measures of their return expectations for the future. At the end of the survey, we collect demographics and other information in a standard questionnaire, including age, gender, wealth, income, social activities, and so on.
To examine the effect of question order on the statistical relationship between recall and expectation, we've created three versions of our survey. Each version contains the same set of questions but arranged in different orders. The first version follows the sequence: free recall, probed recall, and expectation. The second version has the order: expectation, free recall, probed recall. The third version is arranged in the order of free recall, expectation, probed recall.