Primary Outcomes (explanation)
The main outcomes of interest will be firms’ business performances, including sales, the number of workers, the range of business activities, and experts’ ratings to measure whether firms improve during the process. We will also collect firms’ knowledge of other participants and the intensity of their interactions with each other. For example, to measure firms’ knowledge of and interactions with other firms, we will ask each firm to nominate firms whose main businesses they know about, and whom they chat with more than three times every week. In addition, we will let firms rate each other and compare their ratings with ratings from the expert to measure the difference. The main innovation of this project is that in this setting, firms are under pressure to compete for the same resources and potential external funding. For the information experiment, the main outcomes of interest include how many other firms entrepreneurs "in-the-know" inform about the award.
We also expect HTEs by baseline difference, such as gender, stage of the business, and more.