Secondary Outcomes (end points)
1) Self-esteem using "Test de Autoestima escolar" created in Chile at baseline and endline. Marchant, T., Haeussler, I., & Torretti, A. (2016). TAE Batería de Tests de Autoestima Escolar. Santiago: Ediciones Universidad Católica de Chile.
2) Self-efficacy using Generalized self-efficacy scale at baseline and endline. Schwarzer, R., & Jerusalem, M. (1995). Generalized self-efficacy scale. J. Weinman, S. Wright, & M. Johnston, Measures in health psychology: A user’s portfolio. Causal and control beliefs, 35, 37.
3) Grit using a likert scale created in Chile at baseline and endline. Yovaniniz, X. (2022). ¿Cómo medir y potenciar el grit en estudiantes de educación básica?. Repositorio UC.
4) Sense of belonging using the sense of belonging and emotional conection with peers from The Community sense scale in classroom at baseline and endline. Petrillo, G., Capone, V., & Donizzetti, A. (2016). Classroom sense of community scale: Validation of a
self-report measure for adolescents. Journal of Community Psychology, 44(3), 339–409. https:// doi.
org/ 10. 1002/ jcop. 21769