How big is my backyard - A survey and field experimental study on the social acceptance of Agri-Photovoltaics

Last registered on May 01, 2024


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How big is my backyard - A survey and field experimental study on the social acceptance of Agri-Photovoltaics
Initial registration date
April 30, 2024

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It corresponds to when the registration was submitted to the Registry to be reviewed for publication.

First published
May 01, 2024, 3:58 PM EDT

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Last updated
May 01, 2024, 3:59 PM EDT

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University Bern/ETH Zürich

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ETH Zurich
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ETH Zurich
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Aarhus University
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Aarhus University
PI Affiliation
University of Bern

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To reduce the carbon footprint of our society, deployment of renewable energies needs to be acclerated. At the same time, carbon intensive energy production plants as well as nuclear power plants are being phased out. As a consequence, the installation of open-space and utility scale solar energy (USSE) plants has been promoted in the last years. Given that such solar PV installations often have a larger land-use footprint than other power plants (Trainor et al., 2016), the deployment of solar PV increasingly competes for limited land resources. This is particularly pronounced in regions like Switzerland, where land resources are limited and the landscape awareness is high (Huber et al., 2017). The current political discussion in Switzerland about open-space and utility scale solar energy shows that expanding open-space solar installations is often seen as competition to other land-use purposes like food production. In this context, Switzerland's degree of food production self-sufficiency is used by some actors as an argument against open-space solar installations. The emergence of Agri-Photovoltaics (Agri-PV), the co-utilization of land for both agricultural purposes and solar energy generation, offers a potential solution to that conflict by maximizing land productivity and resource efficiency (Trommsdorff et al., 2021). However, the successful integration of Agri-PV systems hinges not only on technological feasibility but also on social acceptance (Pascaris at al., 2021).

Local opposition to energy projects is often referred to as a not-in-my-backyard (NIMBY) problem, a phenomenon where individuals or communities express opposition to the siting of undesirable facilities, such as energy infrastructure, in their vicinity. This is the case even though individuals might generally support the deployment of wind and solar in their country (Boyle et al., 2019). Research has shown that the NIMBY phenomenon is overly simplistic and that next to proximity, there are various other factors that influence local support for energy projects. These include place attachment, visual impact and social norms (Devine-Wright, 2004; Liebe & Dobers, 2019).

Nevertheless, a growing body of research consistently shows that distance to (planned) renewable energy projects can play an important role in mobilizing opposition against solar- and wind projects. For instance, in a nationally representative survey in Germany, Bertsch at al. (2016) found out that while the majority of Germans approve the expansion of RET and the power grid, local opposition is mostly fueled by concerns regarding the landscape modifications this entails. Additionally, the distance of energy infrastructure from the place of residence seems to have a strong influence on the RET project acceptance of local residents. Bertsch et al. found out that solar PV-modules installed 1000m away from places of residence are still supported by 85% of residents. For installations closer than that, support drops significantly. At any distance, support for wind energy was lower than support for solar PV. This is consistent with results from Schumacher et al. (2019) where support for wind and solar projects increased with increasing distance to the places of residents. While Bertsch et al. (2016) did not specify the size of solar PV projects, Schumacher et al. (2019) differentiated between small-scale and large-scale solar projects. The distance-dependent support for small-scale solar projects was comparable to the results of Bertsch et al. (2016) while the support for large-scale solar projects was considerably lower. Moreover, in Ontario, a study shows that citizens punished the incumbent liberal party during provincial elections for nearby wind energy projects. While wind energy proposals within 3km of their precinct were associated with a 5% decline in vote shares, operational wind turbines were associated with a 10% decline in vote shares (Stokes, 2015).

Even though research shows that Agri-PV might increase public support for local solar development (Pascaris et al., 2022), the influence of potential NIMBY effects and the proximity of (planned) Agri-PV projects on citizens' support for Agri-PV and renewable energy policies has not yet been examined. In addition, to the best of our knowledge, potential NIMBY effects on revealed voting behaviors of citizens has not yet been studied in a randomized-controlled field experiment. This study aims to close these research gaps.

In addition, as support for renewable energy technologies is not only influenced by proximity but also by a multitude of other factors (Devine-Wright, 2004; Liebe & Dobers, 2019), this study further investigates support on potential Agri-PV projects depending on different project characteristics, like the Agri-PV type, size, ownership structure, distance, impact on communities’ own production with food, impact on communities’ own production with energy, and project’s impact on farmer income. Based on a review of the existing literature, we formulated the following research questions.

Research Questions:
1. How does information about the realistic potential (small or large) for developing Agri-PV projects in the proximity to citizens’ place of residence (i.e., 0-500 meter, 500-1500 meter, and 1500-4500 meter around individuals’ homes) affect citizens’ attitudes towards Agri-PV, their support for Agri-PV projects, their policy support for renewable energies and their intended and revealed voting behavior?

2. How do different characteristics of potential Agri-PV projects (i.e., Agri-PV type, size, ownership, distance to place of residence, impact on communities’ own production with food, impact on communities’ own production with energy, and impact on farmer income) affect citizens’ Agri-PV project support?

To test these questions, we run a field- and survey-experiment with a representative sample of Swiss citizens and permanent residents (+18) years in the French and German speaking part of Switzerland. The sample is provided by the Swiss Federal Statistical Office. We conduct two survey waves. The first wave is conducted in early May 2024 just before the direct democratic vote on renewable energies on the 9th of June 2024 (the referendum on the so-called Electricity law that aims to accelerate the installation of renewable energy, especially open-space solar PV and wind plants in Switzerland). As part of the first wave, we randomly treat a representative subsample of the respondents with information about the realistic potential of developing Agri-PV plants in the close proximity of their place of residence. We also include various items on citizens’ attitudes towards Agri-PV, their policy support, and intended voting behavior during the upcoming referendum on the Electricity law into the first survey wave. Moreover, participants conduct a conjoint experiment, in which we randomly vary relevant Agri-PV project design features. In the second survey wave, after the direct democratic vote on the 9th of June, we then again ask respondents that participated in the first survey wave on their attitudes towards Agri-PV, their policy support, and their actual voting behavior during the referendum on the Electricity law. This setting allows us to draw causal inferences about potential NIMBY effects and the research questions outlined above.
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Registration Citation

Anderegg, Dionis et al. 2024. "How big is my backyard - A survey and field experimental study on the social acceptance of Agri-Photovoltaics." AEA RCT Registry. May 01.
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We conduct two survey waves. The first wave is conducted in early May 2024 just before the direct democratic vote on renewable energies on the 9th of June 2024 (the referendum on the so-called Electricity law that aims to accelerate the installation of renewable energy, especially open-space solar PV and wind plants in Switzerland). As part of the first wave, we randomly treat a representative subsample of the respondents with information about the realistic potential of developing Agri-PV plants in the close proximity of their place of residence. We also include various items on citizens’ attitudes towards Agri-PV, their policy support, and intended voting behavior during the upcoming referendum on the Electricity law into the first survey wave. Moreover, participants conduct a conjoint experiment, in which we randomly vary relevant Agri-PV project design features (see Experimental design section for details). In the second survey wave, after the direct democratic vote on the 9th of June, we then again ask respondents that participated in the first survey wave on their attitudes towards Agri-PV, their policy support, and their actual voting behavior during the referendum on the Electricity law. This setting allows us to draw causal inferences about potential NIMBY effects and the research questions outlined above.

Based on the existing literature, we developed the following hypotheses:
H1: Information about the realistic potential (small or large) for developing Agri-PV projects in the proximity to citizens’ place of residence (i.e., 0-500 meter, 500-1500 meter, and 1500-4500 meter around individuals’ homes) affects citizens' attitudes towards Agri-PV.
H1a: Information about a large potential for developing Agri-PV projects in closer distance to citizens’ place of residence (so 0-500 meter compared to 500-1500 meter or 1500-4500 meter) reduces citizens’ attitudes towards Agri-PV compared to citizens’ provided with no such information or with information about a small Agri-PV developing potential in citizens’ close proximity.
H2: Information about the realistic potential (small or large) for developing Agri-PV projects in the proximity to citizens’ place of residence (i.e., 0-500 meter, 500-1500 meter, and 1500-4500 meter around individuals’ homes) affects citizens’ Agri-PV project support.
H2a: Information about a large potential for developing Agri-PV projects in closer distance to citizens’ place of residence (so 0-500 meter compared to 500-1500 meter or 1500-4500 meter) reduces citizens’ Agri-PV project support compared to citizens’ provided with no such information or with information about a small Agri-PV developing potential in citizens’ close proximity.
H3: Information about the realistic potential (small or large) for developing Agri-PV projects in the proximity to citizens’ place of residence (i.e., 0-500 meter, 500-1500 meter, and 1500-4500 meter around individuals’ homes) affects citizens' policy support for renewable energies.
H3a: Information about a large potential for developing Agri-PV projects in closer distance to citizens’ place of residence (so 0-500 meter compared to 500-1500 meter or 1500-4500 meter) reduces citizens' policy support for renewable energies compared to citizens’ provided with no such information or with information about a small Agri-PV developing potential in citizens’ close proximity.
H4: Information about the realistic potential (small or large) for developing Agri-PV projects in the proximity to citizens’ place of residence (i.e., 0-500 meter, 500-1500 meter, and 1500-4500 meter around individuals’ homes) affects citizens' voting behavior in a direct democratic vote on renewable energies (the so-called Electricity law).
H4a: Information about a large potential for developing Agri-PV projects in closer distance to citizens’ place of residence (so 0-500 meter compared to 500-1500 meter or 1500-4500 meter) reduces citizens' intended and revealed voting in a direct democratic in favor of renewable energies (the so-called Electricity law) compared to citizens’ provided with no such information or with information about a small Agri-PV developing potential in citizens’ close proximity.
H4b: Information about the realistic potential (small or large) for developing Agri-PV projects in the proximity to citizens’ place of residence (i.e., 0-500 meter, 500-1500 meter, and 1500-4500 meter around individuals’ homes) affects the gap between citizens' intended (before the vote) and revealed (after the voted) voting behavior in a direct democratic vote on renewable energies (the so-called Electricity law).
H5: The characteristics of a planned Agri-PV project (i.e., Agri-PV type, size, ownership, distance to place of residence, impact on communities’ own production with food, impact on communities’ own production with energy, and impact on farmer income) affect citizens’ Agri-PV project support.
Intervention (Hidden)
Intervention Start Date
Intervention End Date

Primary Outcomes

Primary Outcomes (end points)
In the following, we describe the key-dependent variables that have to be answered by all survey respondents after random assignment to either the control or treatment group:

Participation in the national referendum on the Electricity Act (Survey wave 1, before vote)
In the survey, respondents will be asked about their intentions to participate in the national referendum on the Electricity Act. The following question is asked both the treatment and the control group:
How likely they are to take part in the vote on June 9, 2024 (“I will definitely participate”, “I'm not quite sure yet, but I'll probably take part.”, “I usually vote, but probably not this time.”, “I will not participate.”, “I have already voted by post.”, “I am not allowed to vote”)

If respondents participate or plan to participate in the referendum, the following question is asked:
If they want to adopt the Federal Act on a Secure Electricity Supply from Renewable Energies, or Electricity Act for short, in the vote (“Yes”, “I have not decided yet”, “No”, “don’t know / no answer”)

If respondents do not want to participate or do not plan to participate, the following question is asked:
What they think they would vote if they were to take part in the vote (“Yes”, “I have not decided yet”, “No”, “don’t know / no answer”)

If respondents already participated by post:
How they voted on the Federal Act on a Secure Electricity Supply from Renewable Energies, or Electricity Act for short (“Yes”, “No”, “inserted empty”, “don’t know / no answer)

Participation in the national referendum on the Electricity Act (Survey wave 2, after vote)
If they took part in the vote on June 9, 2024 (“I voted”, “I did not vote”, “I was not allowed to vote”)

How they voted on the Federal Act on a Secure Electricity Supply from Renewable Energies, or Electricity Act for short (“Yes”, “No”, “inserted empty”, “don’t know / no answer)

General attitude towards agri-photovoltaic systems in Switzerland (Survey wave 1 and 2)
Both the treatment and the control group are being asked questions regarding their attitude towards agri-photovoltaic systems:
- What their personal attitude is towards the expansion of Agri-PV systems (7 point Likert scale from completely reject - fully support)
- What their personal attitude is towards the expansion of small Agri-PV systems (7 point Likert scale from completely reject - fully support)
- What their personal attitude is towards the expansion of medium-sized Agri-PV systems (7 point Likert scale from completely reject - fully support)
- What their personal attitude is towards the expansion of large Agri-PV systems (7 point Likert scale from completely reject - fully support)

Attitude towards agri-PV projects in the vicinity of respondents home (Survey wave 1 and 2)
Both groups are asked to imagine an Agri-PV project that is planned close to their home. They are asked to voice their opinion on this project. The following questions are asked:
- What their personal attitude is towards the expansion of Agri-PV systems in their immediate neighborhood (7-point Likert scale from completely reject - fully support)
- How far an Agri-PV project should be away from their house/apartment for them to accept it (slider with a range from 0 to 10000m and the possibility to say they would not accept at all)
- Which kind of agricultural method they would prefer when combined with a agri-PV system (“Cultivation of plant-based foods for direct human consumption”, “Cultivation of feed for animals”, “Cultivation of plant-based food for humans and feed for animals”, “I have no opinion on this”)
- To what extent they would agree or disagree with the following statements (7 point Likert scale from strongly disagree - agree completely)
a) Most people I care about would expect me to give my approval to the project.
b) Most of my friends would advise me to support the project.
c) My family would expect me to support the project.

Opinion on policy changes by the government (Survey wave 1 and 2)
The following questions deal with possible policy changes and policy instruments by the government. Both groups are asked to express their opinions on these. The first policy that is proposed would increase the number of Agri-PV projects in the country.
- If they support policies aimed at increasing the number of Agri-PV projects in the country (7 point Likert scale from strongly disagree - agree completely)

Then, multiple policy instruments aiming at the expansion of Agri-PV systems in Switzerland are presented and respondents are asked to express their personal attitude towards these instruments (7 point Likert scale from completely reject - fully support).
- Simplified approval procedures
- State financial support for Agri-PV projects (support with a one-off payment of up to 60 percent of the eligible investment costs for large-scale systems)
- State financial support for Agri-PV projects (support with a one-off payment of up to 60 percent of the eligible investment costs for large-scale systems)
- Advisory services for farmers to promote the expansion of Agri-PV systems on their fields
- Targeted state funding for Agri-PV systems for farmers who are switching from animal and feed production to the cultivation of plant-based food
- Increase in the one-off payment for the construction of Agri-PV systems
Primary Outcomes (explanation)

Secondary Outcomes

Secondary Outcomes (end points)
Other secondary outcomes and potentially important mediator variables that must be answered by all survey respondents as part of the comprehension and manipulation check after random assignment to either the treatment or control group and before answering the primary outcomes include:
- Their opinion on the construction of Agri-PV systems in the area around their apartment/house (2 sentences. In addition, the survey platform Qualtrics, on which we programmed our surveys, provides an internal natural language processing based sentiment analysis of the open text responses, i.e., sentiment label; sentiment score, sentiment polarity as designed by Qualtrics )
-Whether they know the potential for the development of Agri-PV projects within a radius of up to 4500 meters from their house/apartment (“Is not known to me”, “Known to me roughly”, “Known to me”)
- According to their knowledge, how big or small is the potential for building Agri-PV systems in the area around their apartment/house for each of the radii (0-500 meters, 500-1500 meters, 1500 - 4500 meters, Answer options: “Small”, “Large”)
- How likely they think it is that Agri-PV systems will be built in the immediate vicinity of their house/apartment (“Very unlikely”, “Unlikely”, “Moderately likely”, “Probably”, “Most likely”)
- Whether they see the construction of Agri-PV projects in Switzerland as an advantage or a disadvantage for them personally (7 point Likert scale from very disadvantageous - very beneficial)
- Whether they see the construction of Agri-PV projects in Switzerland as an advantage or a disadvantage for Switzerland and its population as a whole (7 point Likert scale from very disadvantageous - very beneficial)
- How concerned they are personally that agri-PV systems could be built in the immediate vicinity of their house/apartment? (“Not worried at all”, “Slightly concerned”, “Moderately concerned”, “Very concerned”, “Extremely concerned”)
Secondary Outcomes (explanation)

Experimental Design

Experimental Design
Experimentally varied information treatment

During the first survey wave, participants will be randomly assigned to either the control (⅓ of all participants in the sample) or the treatment group (⅔ of participants in the sample). The control group will get some generic information on the potential of developing Agri-PV installations in Switzerland. They are informed that only part of the suitable land actually needs to be developed. The treatment group gets the same information and additionally is provided with a map that shows the surroundings of their place of residence. Indicated on the map is the realistic potential for building Agri-PV systems around their place of residence. The potential is identified either as high or low within a radius of 0-500m, 500-1500m and 1500-4500m around individuals’ homes. The data shown to individuals in the treatment group is based on a recent study by ZHAW, accounting for the realistic building and solar power generation potential of different Agri-PV installation types in the whole of Switzerland (Anderegg et al., 2024).

In a comprehension and manipulation check section of the survey, respondents in both the control and the treatment groups are asked several questions regarding the potential of Agri-PV installations in the proximity their home to make sure they understood the content of the treatment and investigate potential differences between the groups in terms of knowledge and concern about building Agri-PV plants close to respondents’ home. The map containing the Agri-PV potential is then presented again to the treatment group to foster the treatment effect.

Due to randomization, the only systematic difference between the control and the treatment group should be the treatment, which allows estimating a causal effect of the treatment on the dependent variables, if the randomization works as intended and the sample is generally large enough (Stock and Watson 2020).

Conjoint Experiment

We also measure support for differently designed Agri-PV systems in a conjoint experiment. The following paragraphs outline the introduction to the experiment, the seven policy package attributes, and the randomly varied policy attribute levels (see further details about the conjoint design and its randomization in the section Experimental Design and Randomization Method below).

We introduce the conjoint experiment to respondents as follows:

The next part of the survey will now look at possible concrete projects for the expansion of solar energy in Switzerland. In particular, we are interested in your opinion on agri-photovoltaics, a dual land use concept that combines the cultivation of agricultural crops with the installation of photovoltaic systems on land. Specifically, we will conduct a thought experiment with you in which we ask you to compare and evaluate alternative projects for the expansion of agri-photovoltaics in Switzerland. Each project has different aspects that can influence your evaluation.

Below you will find the most important aspects and characteristics that distinguish possible Agri-PV systems in Switzerland.
-Type of Agri-Pv system
-Size of the Agri-PV system
-Distance of the Agri-PV system from your own place of residence
-Ownership structure of the Agri-PV system
-Effect of the Agri-PV system on the crop yield of the agricultural area
-Effect of the Agri-PV system on the income of the farmers

After this introduction to the thought-experiment, in four different choice rounds, we then present participants with two alternative Agri-PV project options side by side. In each round, respondents compare the two options for Agri-PV systems carefully and indicate which option they prefer and to what extent they support or reject the respective project.

The different randomized Agri-PV project attributes and levels are the following:
Type of Agri-Pv system
- Agri-PV systems on greenhouses and replacement of polytunnels
- Vertical open space Agri-PV systems on pasture or arable land
- Horizontal open space Agri-PV system on pasture or arable land

Size of the Agri-PV system
- Up to one football pitch (approx. 1ha)
- Up to 5 football pitches (approx. 5ha)
- Up to 10 football pitches (approx. 10ha)

Distance of the Agri-PV system from your own place of residence
- 0-500 meters
- 500-1500 meters
- 1500-4500 meters

Ownership structure of the Agri-PV system
- Energy cooperative (e.g. local population)
- Farmers
- Landowner
- Municipality
- Regional energy supplier
- External (non-local) investors

Effect of the Agri-PV system on the crop yield of the agricultural area
- 0-5% reduction in crop yield
- 6-10% reduction in crop yield
- 11-20% reduction in crop yield
- 21-40% reduction in crop yield
- 41-80% reduction in crop yield

Effect of the Agri-PV system on the electricity production of the municipality
- 0-5% increase in own production
- 6-10% increase in own production
- 11-20% increase in own production
- 21-40% increase in own production
- 41-80% increase in own production

Effect of the Agri-PV system on the income of the farmers
- 0-5% higher income
- 6-10% higher income
- 11-20% higher income
- 21-40% higher income
- 41-80% higher income
Experimental Design Details
Randomization Method
Survey Panel:
The respondents in our two survey waves are drawn from the population register of the Federal Statistical Office (BfS) comprising Swiss residents. The BfS population register mirrors, besides random error and uneven response rates, the Swiss resident population. We used stratified random sampling with the strata language region (i.e. German or French speaking parts of Switzerland), gender (i.e. male or female), and urbanization level (i.e., urban, semi-urban, rural). In total, we invited around 16’000 Swiss residents in the French and German speaking part of Switzerland above the age of 18 years via letter (plus one reminder) to participate in the survey. We expect a response rate between 25-30 percent. As part of the first survey wave ⅔ of respondents will be randomly assigned to the treatment group and ⅓ of respondents to the control group, using the randomizer feature on Qualtrics, the online survey software used to design the survey and collect the data. Balance checks will be conducted to test that randomization worked. Respondents that filled out the first survey wave are invited around 6 weeks later to participate in a short follow-up survey. For the second survey wave, we also invite people via email if they provided their email address in the first survey.

Conjoint Experiment:
In the conjoint experiment, we used a customized JavaScript code in Qualtrics to randomly vary the attribute levels of different Agri-PV project attributes (see section Experimental Design above). We ask respondents to evaluate profiles that combine multiple randomly assigned attributes. We used a conjoint design of fully randomized paired profiles in which each respondent was shown profiles of two different hypothetical Agri-PV project proposals displayed side by side. Hence, each proposal was composed of all attributes, and the attribute values were randomly assigned such that the two Agri-PV proposals in each pair randomly differed in one or more attribute values. This paired-profiles design was chosen because research suggests it performs well at reducing social desirability bias and replicating real-world behavior (Hainmueller et al., 2015).
Randomization Unit
Survey/field experiment: The unit of randomization will be individual respondents.
Conjoint experiment: The unit of randomization will be individual respondents and policy attributes within the conjoint experiment.
Was the treatment clustered?

Experiment Characteristics

Sample size: planned number of clusters
3000-4000 Swiss residents above the age of 18 years living in the French- and German-speaking parts of Switzerland, final sample size depends on response rate, the sampling design is not clustered
Sample size: planned number of observations
3000-4000 Swiss residents above the age of 18 years living in the French- and German-speaking parts of Switzerland, final sample size depends on response rate For the conjoint experiment, we estimate with around 3000-4000*8 observations (2 responses for 4 choice rounds for each individual respondent), i.e. 24000-32000 observations.
Sample size (or number of clusters) by treatment arms
Information experiment:

Control group: ⅓ of respondents, final number depends on response rate to survey invitation. We expect around 1000-1500 respondents in the control group during the first survey wave, and around 500-750 respondents in the second survey wave (due to an expected response rate of ca. 50% for the second survey wave).

Treatment group (i.e., realistic information about potential of building Agri-PV plants in proximity of respondents’ place of residence): ⅓ of respondents, final number depends on response rate to survey invitation. We expect around 2000-2500 respondents in the control group during the first survey wave, and around 1000 - 1250 respondents in the second survey wave (due to an expected response rate of ca. 50% for the second survey wave).
Minimum detectable effect size for main outcomes (accounting for sample design and clustering)
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