When establishing the IVR HS training software program, the researcher and multimedia programmer first created a 360-degree heart-saver video in Arabic because all participants' mother tongue is Arabic. After establishing the recorded instruction for the IVR training in the demonstration part, the recorded instruction voice was in Arabic based on AHA HS instructions for Adult CPR with AED and guidelines. Secondly, the Information technology (IT) programmer created the new software based on AHA heart-saver contents in Arabic version; steps, criteria, guidelines, and heart-saver contents were provided to the IT programmer. The Heart Saver software program contains a 360-degree video, a training demonstration while listening to the recorded instructions to apply the HS Adult CPR and AED training through IVR, and an evaluation of the participant's performance, which is considered a performance exam. The duration time for each component in the experimental software program is as follows: the 360-degree video is 4:21 minutes, the demonstration takes 4 to 6 minutes, and the performance exam takes 2 minutes; the total range for that was around 12 minutes for each participant. Establishing the IVR HS software program took eight months, and the cost of this program was around 1500 USD dollars. It is worth mentioning that this program is provided in two languages, Arabic and English, as well as the same AHA content. Also, the AHA provides a heart-saver course in Arabic and English. Finally, testing the software program, this phase is essential before attending and applying to the study; in this phase, the testing was activated by the IVR HS program through the application to make sure the software is working accurately in a proper way without any deficit in the future. Around six people and two AHA instructors were invited to the testing program as shown in (Appendix P). After testing, the program needed some modifications, such as adding highlighters for the press location. The highlighter will enlarge when you press, grabbing hazardous objects requires you to touch them only to count, the microphone should hear the target better, and Check for breathing has a box to look at to be considered as "looking at the chest. All modification was done in the testing phase of IVR training before attending the pilot and research study to make this training program accurate, precise, feasible, and acceptable.
After obtaining ethical approval and all permissions to begin research and use the instruments, the sampling method was calculated and delivered to recruit the participants. First of all, the researcher invited the participants and explained its aims, content, and duration over email and phone calls, as well as; the researcher informed and texted them that, after participating in the study exempted 10 hours from the service community course as an incentive reward to them as agreed with the deanship of the student (Appendix N).
Furthermore, the consent form was assigned to participants who were eligible for this study and were willing to participate for each group when attending the VR lab or heart center also the researcher informed the participants that they could withdraw from the study at any time without giving reasons to ensure confidentiality (Appendix L, M). Then, the verbal and written explanation sheet and duration about the purpose of this study and study procedures was given and explained to the participants (Appendix J, K).
The participants in the experimental group were given a determined appointment at a specific attend time. The training for the experimental group was individual, the training for the experimental group was scheduled for one month, and the experimental training was conducted in a virtual reality lab at Arab American University. Each participant, before attending IVR heart saver training, was assigned the consent form after providing the explanation paper. After that, the pre-test written exam was administered to the participants before attending IVR HS training, and the pretest was considered as a baseline for the study. The amount of time for assigned consent, reading the explanation paper, and providing information related to the program, such as how to deal with new IVR technology and how to use it, and hall procedure before training took around 35 to 40 minutes. Then, the participants attended the IVR HS training by following the sequences by selecting from the list in front of them through oculus as shown in Figure (3.9.A) (watching a 360-degree video, demonstration, then performance evaluation by following the heart saver scenario respectively), as shown in Table (3.8), the amount of time ranged for training and evaluation from 12 minutes to 15 minutes for completing the procedure. After learning and performing their performance evaluation of the IVR Heart Saver Training, the participants did the post-exam immediately and filled out the satisfaction and self-confidence learner questionnaire; the total amount of time to do the post-test exam and fill out the questionnaire took 30 minutes. The total amount of time ranged from one to one and a half hour for completing the hall procedures for each participant because some of the participants were familiar with the VR technology, which is why they took one hour rather than someone unfamiliar with the technology.
The participants in the standardized HS group were split up into fourteen groups. The training was made up of six to seven students in each group, and an instructor and researcher led the courses. The standardized HS training was located in the Heart Centre at Arab American University, which uses the AHA heart-saver contents (Adult CPR, Rescue Breathing, and AED, respectively). Each participant, before attending standardized heart saver training, was assigned the consent form after providing the explanation paper. After that, the pre-test written exam was administered to the participants before attending the training, and the pretest was considered as a baseline for the study. The amount of time for assigned consent, reading explanation paper, and providing information related to the training, such as the importance of heart-saver. All procedures before attending the training took around 30 to 40 minutes.
After that, the standardized group conducted face-to-face heart-saver training by watching HS 2 digital videos, and after each video, the participants were trained on mannequins to perform adult CPR, rescue breathing, and AED while watching, which took around 40 to one hour. After training, the participants attended the performance evaluation immediately. The participants did the post-exam immediately and filled out the satisfaction and self-confidence learner questionnaire; the total amount of time to do the post-test exam and fill out the questionnaire was 30 minutes. The total amount of time ranged from two to three hours for each group to complete the hall procedures, as well as the permission to take pictures and use it while participant performing CPR for each group was obtain from the participants when attending to the training as shown in Figure (3.9.B).