In this study we aim to answer the following research question: "“Do investors react to information on the emission reduction potential (ERP) of climate tech start-ups?”. Increasingly there is awareness and methodologies that can estimate the potential in reducing carbon emissions of different technologies and start-ups. Collaborating with a company which, for privacy reasons, we will identify as "X" --- a platform dedicated to provide information on climate tech innovation and that has investors, corporations, researchers, and others as customers --- we will randomize information about ERP in their monthly newsletter. The treatment group will have the following manipulation: i) The header of the email that delivers the newsletter will be "Which climatech technology reduces emissions the most?", ii) The newsletter will have a section devoted to ERP which will be placed at the top of the newsletter, includes a link to a webpage with additional information (which contains general information about ERP, showcases the ERP metrics that X provides in their platform, and provides a downloadable document). The Control group instead will have: i) a different header of the email that will be decided through the usual process that company "X" has for their newsletter, ii) The ERP section will be at the bottom of the newsletter. The newsletter is sent to investors but also many other subscribers (e.g., corporates, academic, climate curious, etc.), and thus we will stratify the randomization by type of recipient. We will track the following outcomes: i) rate of e-mail opening within 10 days of the newsletter release (==> this is affected by the header of the email), ii) number of clicks on links in the ERP section versus other sections of the newsletter within 10 days of the newsletter release (===> this is affected by "salience of the ERP section", that is, the ERP section located the at the top or at the bottom of the newsletter), and iii) for recipients that are customers of of X, we will study several daily outcomes within 30 days of the release of the newsletter: times the customer logged into the X platform, times the customer browsed a start-up with ERP information (X provides ERP information for some start-ups), times the customer browsed a start-up without ERP information, and other general engagement metrics that X tracks. Outcome iii) will only be analyzed if the opening rates of the emails are large (larger 50%) and if the effect of the salience of ERP is considerable.